In Understanding map we learned that implementing a map function is what we call a Functor. In Applicative Functors we extended that idea with the return and apply function and we call the result an Applicative Functor. The next important function in our toolset is the bind function.


The combination of return and bind is what we call a Monad. But currently I will not consider this as an introduction to Monads at all. If you heard the Monad term and search for an introduction to understand what a Monad is you will not find an answer her. If you already have some basic understanding about the term than this and my two previous blogs can help to understand the concept. Otherwise if you just try to understand what a Monad is I recommend the following link to understand the problem: The what are Monads Fallacy

The Problem

I think it is always good to start with a problem. If we understand a problem first, we usually have it easier to understand why we are doing something. Currently we have map to upgrade functions with one argument, with return and apply we could upgrade functions with multiple arguments. So what is bind supposed to do?

Up to this point we only upgraded functions that had normal unboxed input and output types. We always faced functions like 'a -> 'b, but never functions like 'a -> option<'b>, 'a -> Async<'b> or 'a -> list<'b>. But in practice, the latter are quite common.

A simple example is a function that tries to parse a string to a float. Because parsing of a string to a float could fail we usually expect a return type like option<float>. Usually we create a Double extension for this.

// Note: .NET System.Double is "float"   in F# and "double" in C#.
//       .NET System.Single is "float32" in F# and "float"  in C#.
type Double with
    static member tryParse str =
        match Double.TryParse str with
        | false,_ -> None
        | true,x  -> Some x

We now have a function Double.tryParse with the signature.

string -> option<float>

I will call such functions Monadic functions from now on. All Monadic functions expect normal input arguments, but return a boxed type, like option<'a>, list<'a>, Async<'a> and so on.

The problem with such functions is that we cannot easily upgrade them like other functions. For example, let’s assume we have a option<string>, and now we want to pass this value to Double.tryParse. As tryParse only expects string we could tryParse so it could work with a option<string>.

But map not only adds a option layer to the input, it also adds it to the output. When we use on our Double.tryParse function, we get a function that looks like this:

option<string> -> option<option<float>>

The problem is that our output is wrapped two times in the same layer. Now we have a option containing an option containing a float. But what we really want is just an option<float>. This is where bind comes into the play. The purpose of bind is to only upgrade the input of a function because the output of a function already returns an upgraded type. A bind function thus always have the type-signature

('a -> option<'b>) -> option<'a> -> option<'b>
('a -> list<'b>)   -> list<'a>   -> list<'b>
('a -> Async<'b>)  -> Async<'a>  -> Async<'b>

return once again

The bind function don’t stands on it’s own. We also need a return function. But we already covered this function in Applicative Functors.

Implementing bind

We can implement bind in two different ways. It is good to know both as depending on which type we have, sometimes the one or the other can be easier.

  1. The obvious way. You directly write a bind function that is similar to map, but instead of wrapping the output, you just return the output of the function as-is.
  2. You first write a join, concat or flatten function (The exact name of such a function usually depends on the type you have). The idea of such a function is to resolve two boxed types just into a single box. After this you just map and then join the result to create bind.

The option type has the advantage that both implementations are easy, so let’s look at how we could implement bind for Option in both ways.

The direct way

The direct way can sometimes be nearly identical to map. Let’s look at the map and bind implementation side-by-side.

let mapOption f opt =
    match opt with
    | None   -> None
    | Some x -> Some (f x)

let bindOption f opt =
    match opt with
    | None   -> None
    | Some x -> f x

As you can see, both functions are nearly identical. The only difference is that we just do f x instead of Some (f x). We don’t need to wrap the output in a Some because our function f already returns an option. So we just return it’s output directly.

The join way

The other way is to first implement a new function that can turn a option<option<'a>> just into a option<'a>. That’s also quite easy. We first check our outer-most option. If it is None we just return None. In the Some case we have another option that we directly return.

let joinOption opt =
    match opt with
    | None          -> None
    | Some innerOpt -> innerOpt

Now we create bind by just using map and join the result.

let bindOption2 f opt = joinOption (mapOption f opt)

Simple usage

Let’s test both functions and compare it with a map call.

let input1 = Some "abcde" |> bindOption  Double.tryParse  // None
let input2 = Some "100"   |> bindOption2 Double.tryParse  // Some 100.0
let input3 = Some "200"   |> mapOption   Double.tryParse  // Some (Some 200.0)

As we can see from the signature. input1 and input2 are just option<float> instead of option<option<float>> that a map will return us.

The Option module already contains and Option.bind, so we don’t have to rewrite those ourselves. As another exercise, let’s look at a bind implementation for list.

bind for list

Creating a bind for a list is a case where the first-approach is usually really hard. Let’s look at a map implementation for list first.

let mapList f inputList =
    let folder x xs =
        (f x) :: xs
    List.foldBack folder inputList []

Option.bind was really easy as we could directly return what the call to f returned. But for a list this is not possible. Because in a list we call f multiple times for the input list, and the output of those are collected into a new list.

Because f is a Monadic function in bind it means every call to f will return a list. If we add a list to another list, we get a list of list as expected list<list<'a>>. If we try to return a single list instead, it means we have to loop over the result of f and add its element to another list.

Solving that problem inside of bind is hard, because list is an immutable data-structure. With a mutable list (ResizeArray) this operation would be quite easy, as we just could call f x that returns a list and loop through it and add it to some other list, but with an immutable list we cannot just add elements to an existing element.

When we really want to solve it in one-go we could use a mutable list like ResizeArray, otherwise we have to use two nested fold or foldBack calls. Instead of nesting it and turning it in a complex function it is usually better to just extract those operation into it’s own function. So we create a concat operation first, that can turn a list<list<'a>> just into a single list.

I’m not showing how to implementing concat for list, as the focus is bind not how immutable list processing works. So for list we usually would prefer just a map and concat implementation for bind.

let bindList f xs = f xs |> List.concat

As you can see. f in our example now can be a 'a -> 'b list function. So it now produces a whole new list for every input of our starting list, but we still get a single list, not a list of list back.

F# also provides an implementation for this function. But it is named List.collect instead of List.bind.

An operator for bind

In Applicative Functors we used <!> for the map function. And <*> for the apply function. We use >>= as an operator for the bind function. But on top of it. If we write it as an operator we swap the arguments. We expects our type option, list, async on the left-side and the function on the right-side.

let (>>=) m f = Option.bind f m

Continuation-passing Style

The reason for this change is that we think of bind as some kind of Continuation-passing Style programming. To understand the change, we have to go back at the signature. Up until now i often described map and apply by the idea to just pass in the first argument. So when we have

('a -> option<'b>) -> option<'a> -> option<'b>

we see it as a function that just upgrades the input of a function. But we still have a two argument function here, and the two argument form is how bind is used most often. If we threat it as a two-argument function we have something like this:

We have a option<'a> as an input. And we provide a function 'a -> option<'b>. As we can see, the input of f is just 'a. So what we get as the input is the unwrapped 'a that is inside option<'a>.

It can help here if we think with piping |>. The idea of piping is that we can write the next argument of a function on the left side. So instead of f x we also can write x |> f. When we use bind with piping we have something like x |> Option.bind f. We also can rearange the type-signature to reflect this style of writing

option<'a> -> ('a -> option<'b>) -> option<'b>

When we use piping with bind, we get something similar to the above. And probably the order becomes clearer. We start with a boxed value like option<'a>, then our bind function somehow extract the 'a from our option<'a>, this 'a is then passed to the function ('a -> option<'b>). This function returns an option<'b> what is also what bind will then return!

But it is important to understand that there is no guarantee that our function will be called at all! Look again at the implementation of bind to understand this. bind checks whether we have None or Some. In the None case it will just return None only in the Some case it will call f x and execute our function that we passed to bind!

Not only that, the unwrapping of the option is already handled for us by the bind function. So we can pass a function f to bind that only will be executed if we have Some value.

Let’s create an example to understand this idea in more depth. At first we create a function that prints some text to screen and expect the user to enter a float. We try to parse the input as float with our Double.tryParse function that returns an option<float>.

let getUserInput msg =
    printfn "%s: " msg
    Console.ReadLine() |> Double.tryParse

Now we sure could write

let someInput = getUserInput "Enter a number"

and someInput would contain an option<float>. We now could use that option<float> with other functions. We just could map or apply all other functions that are not compatible with option.

But instead of doing that, let’s pass the resulting option<float> directly to bind. We then provide a continuation function to bind that only will be executed if we have Some value. The advantage is that our f function only sees a float, not a option<float>. We now can do something with that float.

Let’s write an example where the user inputs the radius of a circle, and we calculate the area of that circle.

let retn x = Some x
let circleArea r = (r ** 2.0) * Math.PI

let area =
    getUserInput "Enter radius" |> Option.bind (fun userInput ->
        let area = circleArea userInput
        retn area

Let’s go through the example step-by-step.

  1. At first we just create a function circleArea that calculates the area from a given radius. For such a function we just expect float as input. We usually don’t expect option<float> or list<float> as the input.
  2. Then we call getUserInput "Enter radius". The user will see “Enter radius: " and he must enter something. The input will be parsed as a float. We will either get Some x back if the user input was a float or None if the input was not valid.
  3. This option is then directly passed to Option.bind as the second argument. We use the Pipe |> here to bring the option to the left-side.
  4. The right-side is now a continuation function. If the option passed to bind contains Some x, that means a valid float, our continuation function is called and bind returns the result of our continuation function. If the input to bind was None, bind will immediately return None without executing the continuation function.
  5. Look at the type of userInput. It is a float not an option<float>. We have a continuation function that only will be execute if we have a valid float. And we can directly work with a float.
  6. In our Continuation function we use the float to calculate the area of a circle. As we only have float not an option<float> we don’t have to map circleArea.
  7. As you now can see let area inside our continuation function is now a normal float. But now we want to return area as the result of our calculation. But bind must return an option value. So how do we do that? We use our retn (return) function to convert a normal float into an option<float>
  8. Our outer area is now a option<float> that either is Some and contains the calculated area for a circle. Or it is None, because the user input could not be parsed.

Currently we don’t print the result. So let’s print area. As area (outside of the continuation function) is now a option<float> we have to Pattern Match it to see if our computation was successful or not.

match area with
| None      -> printfn "User Input was not a valid number"
| Some area -> printfn "The area of a circle is %f" area

If the user input was 10 for example, we will see The area of a circle is 314.159265, but if we provide an invalid input, we just see User Input was not a valid number. In our example we first had a option value and passed it to Option.bind with |>. This happens often, that is why we created >>= previously.

Let’s extend that example. We now ask the user for three inputs. And we will calculate the volume of a cube.

let cubeVolume =
    getUserInput "Length X" >>= (fun x ->
    getUserInput "Length Y" >>= (fun y ->
    getUserInput "Length Z" >>= (fun z ->
        let volume = x * y * z
        retn volume

match cubeVolume with
| None        -> printfn "Not all inputs were valid"
| Some volume -> printfn "Volume of cube is: %f" volume

As we can see now. We ask the user three times to input a number X, Y and Z. If all inputs were valid. We just calculate the volume with let volume = x * y * z. The important aspect is that all of our values are always float never option<float>, because the bind operation >>= already did the unwrapping for us.

And probably it now becomes clear why we named our constructor return (retn). Inside of our continuation functions we never have lifted values. But at the end of our continuation functions we always must return a lifted value. So lifting and returning is always the last statement we do.

Let’s inspect the syntax a little bit deeper. Look at the syntax of a normal let definition in F#. Usually a let definition contains a name, a equal “=” and a expression that will be executed. Actually just look at the following two lines and just compare them.

let x = getUserInput "Length X"
getUserInput "Length X" >>= (fun x ->

Do you spot the similarities?

  1. Both definition have an expression getUserInput "Length X" this expression will be executed.
  2. In the first example: We only have = for assignment, and we assign the result to let x.
  3. In the second example: We have >>= (fun x as we assign the result of the expression to x.

So what is the difference between both?

The first difference is that the statements are just flipped. With let we have something like

let variable = expression

But with our bind operation we just have

expression >>= (fun variable ->

But the more important difference is the result (our variable). In a normal let definition we will get option<float>. But with bind, we just get float. bind decides whether our continuation function should be called or not.

Computation Expressions

The idea of this kind of continuation-passing style is actually really powerful. So powerful that F# provides a language construct to let it look like normal code. At first, we just create a class that contains a Bind and Return method that we want to use.

type MaybeBuilder() =
    member o.Bind(m,f) = Option.bind f m
    member o.Return(x) = Some x

let maybe = new MaybeBuilder()

As you can see. The Bind and Return methods are not special. They are just the functions you already know! After you created a class you must create an object of this class. That is our maybe. Now you can use the following special syntax.

let cubeVolume2 = maybe {
    let! x = getUserInput "Length X"
    let! y = getUserInput "Length Y"
    let! z = getUserInput "Length Z"
    let  volume = x * y * z
    return volume

match cubeVolume2 with
| None     -> printfn "User entered some invalid number"
| Some vol -> printfn "Cube volume is %f" vol

So, what happens exactly here? Whenever you use let! Bind is just called. That means, if you have option<float> on the right side. But you use let! x. Then you just get a float. Every code after let! is automatically converted into a continuation function that is passed to Bind. The return statement (that is only available inside a computation expression) turns a normal value into a lifted value. In this example it wraps it inside a option.

You now can write code as option doesn’t exists at all. Whenever you have a function that returns an option, you just must use let! instead of let. The let! call uses Bind under the hood. You never need to upgrade functions with map or apply as you don’t work with lifted values. You can use all your functions directly.

But it doesn’t mean that we just erased option. option is still present, but the handling of it is done by the bind function. Whenever we have an expression on the right side that for example returns a None then the computation stops at this point. Why? Because our bind function only calls the passed in f function (the continuation) in the Some case.

And it overall also means that the result of a maybe { ... } is always an option! Because it is an option you easily can use functions defined with a maybe { ... } construct in other maybe { ... } constructs.

On top of it you still get the safety that option provides you, that means at some point you must check the value. But it is up to you if you just use a generic check that you implemented in bind, or write your own handling.

What you see here is a basic implementation of the Maybe Monad. And it is the implementation of the second solution I showed in the null is Evil post.

Defining map and apply through bind

The combination of return and bind is really powerful. In Understanding apply we already saw that we can implement map through return and apply. But with return and bind we can easily implement map and apply.

// map with bind operator
let map f opt =
    opt >>= (fun x -> // unbox option
        retn (f x)    // execute (f x) and box result

// map defined with Computation Expression
let map f opt = maybe {
    let! x = opt  // unbox option
    return f x    // execute (f x) and box result

// Apply with bind operator
let apply fo xo =
    fo >>= (fun f ->  // unbox function
    xo >>= (fun x ->  // unbox value
        retn (f x)    // execute (f x) and box result

// Apply with Computation expression
let apply fo xo = maybe {
    let! f = fo  // unbox function
    let! x = xo  // unbox value
    return f x   // execute (f x) and box result

Because of this we always have an Applicative Functor when we have a Monad.

Kleisli Composition

Function composition is the idea to create a new function out of two smaller functions. It usually works as long we have two function with a matching output and input type.

('a -> 'b) >> ('b -> 'c)

Because 'b is the output of anothers function input, we can directly create a new composed function that goes from 'a to 'c 'a -> 'c. But this doesn’t work for Monadic functions as they don’t have matching input/output.

'a -> option<'b>
'b -> option<'c>

These functions cannot be composed because option<'b> is not the same as 'b. But with our bind operator >>= we can easily pass boxed values into function that don’t expect them. Because of that we also can create a compose function that directly compose two Monadic functions. We use the operator >=> for this kind of composition. This kind of composition is also named Kleisli composition.

let (>>)  f g x = (f x) |> g   // This is how normal composition is defined
let (>=>) f g x = (f x) >>= g  // This is Kleisli composition

Now we can compose two Monadic functions directly.

('a -> option<'b>) >=> ('b -> option<'c>)

the result is a new Monadic function.

'a -> option<'c>


We already saw Laws for Functors and Applicative Functors. The combination of return and bind (a Monad) also must satisfy three laws. In the following description I use

let f   = Double.tryParse // string -> option<float>
let g x = retn (x * 2.0)  // float  -> option<float>
let x   = "10"            // string         -- unboxed value
let m   = retn "10"       // option<string> -- a boxed value

But sure, all laws have to work with any function or value combination. But seeing some actual values makes it easier to understand the laws.

1. Law: Left identity

When we return (box) a value and then use bind (that unbox the value) and pass it to a function. It is the same as directly passing the value to a function.

retn x >>= f  =  f x  // (Some 10.0) = (Some 10.0) -> true

2. Law: Right identity

Binding a boxed value and returning it, is the same as the boxed value

m >>= retn  =  m

3. Law: Associative

Order of composing don’t play a role. We can pass a value to f and the result to g and it has to be the same as if we compose f and g first, and pass our value to the composed function.

let ax = (m >>= f) >>= g   // Calling f with m then pass result to g
let ay =  m >>= (f >=> g)  // Compose f and g first, then pass it m

ax = ay // Must be the same


With map, retn, apply and bind we have four general functions that simplifies working with boxed types like option, list, Async and so on. Whenever you create a new type you should consider implementing those functions too. Here is a quick overview of those functions and when to use them.


('a -> 'b) -> M<'a> -> M<'b>

When we interpret it as a “one-argument” function we can add our boxed type M to the input and output of a function.

Interpreted as a “two-argument” function we can use a boxed value M<'a> directly with a function that can work with the wrapped type 'a.


M<'a -> 'b> -> M<'a> -> M<'b>

With apply we can work with boxed functions. We get those as a result if we try to map a function that has more than one argument. Or we just lift a function with return. We can view apply as Partial Application for boxed function. With every call we can provide the next value to a function that also is a boxed value. In this way we can turn every argument of a function to a boxed value. A function like int -> string -> float -> int can thus be turned into

M<int> -> M<string> -> M<float> -> M<int>

return or retn

'a -> M<'a>

It just boxes a 'a


('a -> M<'b>) -> M<'a> -> M<'b>

Interpreted as a one-argument function, we can upgrade a function like map. The difference is that we only upgrade the input, because the function we have already return a boxed value.

Interpreted as a two-argument function, we see it as a form of Continuation passing style. We often use piping with |> to get the value to the left-side and the continuation function on the right-side.

m |> M.bind f

On top, we give |> M.bind it’s own operator >>=

m >>= f

This way we have a boxed value M<'a>, but our function f only receives an unboxed 'a. In this way we can work with unboxed values and also use any function without explicitly box them. Because we must return boxed values we usually use return to return/box an unboxed value inside of f.

The syntax of this kind of continuation-passing style can be improved with a Computation Expression.


  • map can be implemented through return and apply
  • map can be implemented through return and bind
  • apply can be implemented through return and bind
  • bind can be implemented through map and some kind of concat operation

Further Reading