Tony Hoare once said: I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965. So, why did he added “null” in the first place? Why was it such a big mistake. And if it is such a big mistake, what are the alternatives?

The purpose of null

To understand why it was a mistake, let’s look why it was even added in the first place. Let’s assume we have a simple function expecting a PersonId that returns a Person object. We would have a function with the following function signature.

PersonId -> Person

Implementing such a function means, we always have to return a Person. But what happens if we are not able to return a Person? What should we return instead? And there can be a multitude of reasons why that could be the case. A database could not contain a Person with your provided PersonId. Also an error could have happened while trying to retrieve data. So overall we have two kinds of problems that could happen.

  1. The passed in value was invalid, or in other words, there doesn’t exists a Person for the provided input
  2. Some kind of error happened that prevents us returning a Person object.

So how do we solve that problem? Hoare’s answer was the invention of the null-reference. A null-reference is compatible with any other type. So instead of returning a Person we just could return a null instead.

Our client code calling our function just need to check whether it is null or not. As easy as this sound, this easiness is exactly what leads to numerous errors and problems.

As a first note. Some people will probably tell, that for errors we should throw an exception instead. Actually I leave the discussion for exception for another blog post. The important thing is more that you could return a null in the error case. Some functions/libraries do that, and there is no way you can prevent that. You just have to deal with it, whether you like it or not.

The problems with null

Now that we understand why we have null. Let’s create a list of problems that the implementation of null causes.

The first problem is, we cannot see if a function could return null or not. We could just have written code like this (C#)

var person = Person.FetchById(10);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Name of Person is {0}", person.Name));

The problem is that Person.FetchById() sometimes returns a null-reference. But we could use it just like a valid Person. But using it just like that, means that sometimes our code will throw a NullReferenceException. Because sometimes, we don’t have a Person.

To be safe, we have to explicitly check if Person.FetchById() returns null or not. This results in code like this:

var person = Person.FetchById(10);
if ( person == null ) {
    Console.WriteLine("No Person with ID 10");
else {
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Name of Person is {0}", person.Name));

The big problem is that we cannot see from a function type signature that it could return null or not. That means, we have to check every function call in our system explicitly because it could potentially return null.

This explicit checking of null for every function is sure bother some. So what do we do? Sure, we don’t do that checking on every function. We only check those function that we know they could return a null. Or in other words. We probably rely on documentation. Because we all know that documentation is always correct, never has mistakes, and everyone who writes documentation always adds the information if a function call could return null or not. And sure, we as programmers always re-check the whole documentation for every Class, Method or Function once we updated a library to ensure that the behaviour of all functions still remains the same!

Jokes aside, sure we don’t do that. Not doing that doesn’t mean we are bad programmers. The problem is that doing such kind of things is just silly. Instead of us humans, the language/compiler should do such kinds of checks for us. We cannot solve the problem with documentation. The burden of checking should be leveraged to the language/compiler instead of us humans. Sure we humans are those who have to program what happens at some places if we have a null or not. But our language should notify us at compile-time where we have forgotten such checks. We only should add those check where it is really needed, and the language should notify us where we have forgotten them.

But we don’t even have covered all problems yet! We also can pass null to other functions. We can do that because null is technically just a value. So we also could do stuff like that.

var person = Person.FetchById(10);

It basically means, we not only have to check null from every function that we call. We also have to add null checks to every function we write, because someone could provide us a null value even if we don’t want them. Not doing the checking can actually lead to the problem that somewhere else, probably even in code we don’t have written, we get a NullReferenceException.

And the last problem is a so called Happy path-coding. Usually we mean it negative that someone just writes code for the Happy-Path expecting that everything works correctly. And as soon there is some problem, our program blows up and crashes. This leads to very buggy programs. So what we actually really want is sure we want to code like “Happ-Path”, we want to cover as much possible errors as possible. But we don’t want to include some kind of checking and validation throughout our whole code, nearly at every line, after every function call.

Usually what we want is just write code as if there are no errors (Happy-Path). And only at the end of a chain we want to check if some-kind of error happened, or probably at selected points inside our chain. So ideally we want that we are forced to check, but only at specific places where we explicitly want it. But null doesn’t provide that. We sure can leave the checks, but then our program will be buggy. As a result we often add so much null checks that our language also could have forced us to write them always and otherwise return a error. It probably seems impossible how we can get both. Forcing us to check and gain the safeness to not forget it anywhere, but still only doing the checks when we really want it.

So as a summary, we have the following problems with null.

  1. We cannot see if a function returns null or not
  2. We are not forced to add null checks, this can lead to NullReferenceException
  3. Because every function could return null we also have to check every function
  4. We cannot skip the checking and do it at some later point
  5. We can pass null as valid values. And because we are not forced to check for null, this can throw NullReferenceException at some other places.
  6. We also have to check every function argument for null
  7. It destroys Happy Path-coding


Actually retro-fixing null in a language is nearly impossible. There exists often some kind of hack-ish ways on how to fix it. But it usually feels not natural, or it doesn’t fix all problems. So let’s look at F# that does not support null directly. So how do we write a functions that sometimes can return an absence of a value?

The answer is, it is not possible. We actually cannot write a function that sometimes returns Person or not. What we really have to do is return another type instead. What we really need to return is an Option instead. An Option is just a data-type on its own. But an Option can either be Some value or None. You can compare it to a bool that is either true or false. The only difference is that in the case of true or Some it can carry an additional value with it. Option is already part of F# but you could easily define it yourself like this.

type Option<'a> =
    | None
    | Some of 'a

Or to say it otherwise. It is just a generic type. That either could be None or Some 'a. With this kind of idea we now can create types like Option<int>, Option<Person>, Option<Foo>, … and so on. There is also an alternative style for writing a generic type int person, Person option, Foo option. We will use this style, because this is also the style how it is often shown by the IDE (like Visual Studio). Also note that the Option type itself defined in F# uses a small letter option instead of Option.

So what we really have is not a function PersonId -> Person we really have:

PersonId -> Person option

Or in other words. A function taking a PersonId that returns an option that either can contain a Person or don’t contain anything. The first improvement is now that we can see clearly which functions can return a value or not. We don’t have to rely on documentation anymore. Code itself is the best documentation at all! So lets assume we want to print the Name of a person, what do we have to write now?

let person = Person.fetchById 10
match person with
| None        -> printfn "No Person with Id 10"
| Some person -> printfn "Name of Person is %s" person.Name

At first, this doesn’t look like an improvement over the if checking. We still have to check for either Some or None. So why is that better?

  1. The important point is, not every function returns an option. You only have to add this check if a function returns an optional.
  2. You are forced by the language at compile-time to add the checks if a function returns an option.

You cannot write code like this.

let person = Person.fetchById 10
printfn "Name of person is %s" person.Name

This will give you a compile-time error. Because person is of type option and option don’t contain a field Name. It basically means, you cannot create NullReferenceException because you cannot forget to add the checking. And you only have to really check those functions that could return an option.

Actually that eliminates all problems we have, but let’s go over the problems once more to describe why they are eliminated.

1: We can identify functions returning Nothing

It is just part of the function signature.

int -> int option

it can return an int or not

int -> int

This will always return an int

2: We must check

We cannot access a value directly. option is a type on its own. If we want to get the inner value we have to Pattern Match against an optional.

let person = Person.fetchById 10
match person with
| None        -> printfn "No Person with Id 10"
| Some person -> printfn "Name of Person is %s" person.Name

Runtime NullReferenceException are not possible anymore

3: Not every function returns option

That means we only need to Pattern Match those function that return an option. Functions that don’t return option also cannot be Pattern Matched! If we would Pattern Match against a value that is not an option we get an error. Once again, everything happens already at compile-time. That means you can see the error already in your IDE.

4: We can skip the checking

option is just a type like any other. That means you can return an option from your function. But you also can pass option as a value around. The important thing is, you only need to do the checking once you also need the value inside of the option. But note that you cannot pass a int option to a function expecting a int. Both are different types. If a function expects int you must unwrap the value inside the option. Well that isn’t quite correct, because you can automate this process, but we will look later at this in more detail.

5 and 6: Passing option

We can pass option as a valid value. But only to those function that expects a option. We cannot implicitly pass it. And a function expecting an option as a value also must Pattern Match the argument.

So it cannot happen that values sometimes are option or not. Either they are, and we must check. Or we don’t have to check at all.

Happy Path-Coding

Happy Path-Coding needs some further explanations. Previously i said that F# don’t support null but this isn’t quite right. F# runs on the .NET platform, and the runtime supports the concept of null. From F# we can call any code that was written for example in C#. So we have to add null checks for data-types, functions and so on that where not directly written in F#.

To deal with functions that returns null we often write wrappers and turn the result into an option. For example the Int32.TryParse function is a good candidate to show the idea.

let tryParse (str:string) =
    match Int32.TryParse str with
    | false,_ -> None
    | true,x  -> Some x

We now created a tryParse function. When we look at the signature we see string -> int option. Or in other words. A function that can return an int or not. Let’s assume we now parse three strings.

let x = tryParse "10"
let y = tryParse "20"
let z = tryParse "30"

and now we want to add them together. Ideally in a Happy-Path coding we could directly write.

let result = x + y + z

But the problem is that x, y and z are int optional. So we cannot add optional values. We first have to unwrap them. And it makes sense that we cannot do it. What for example should the the result be if some of the parsing failed? Should it just add those that where valid? Should the whole computation be aborted as soon one was invalid? Let’s stick for the last one. As soon one is invalid, the whole computation should be invalid. Or in our case now. We now have to Pattern Match every variable, check if it is Some value. If true, we check the next variable, if None the whole computations returns None.

let result =
    match x with
    | None -> None
    | Some extractedX ->
        match y with
        | None -> None
        | Some extractedY ->
            match z with
            | None -> None
            | Some extractedZ -> Some (extractedX + extractedY + extractedZ)

Man, that is some ugly code! We have the benefit that we are forced to check, we cannot have NullReferenceException and all of the other benefits. Also result is now an int option. And it makes sense. As soon one of x, y or z was not a valid int, also return would be None. But it seems we have lost any kind of our Happy-Path coding. Because now we have to check every value directly. Isn’t there some way to be as close to let result = x + y + z, so if every value was Some it does it calculation, and otherwise it just returns None? So instead of checking every value directly we just want to work with the values as they would be normal non-optional values? But as soon one value is None just everything is None? The answer is. Yes, there is a way to achieve that!

But at this point i will not show how to build the solution for yourself. And actually there even exists two solutions to solve it. Either way through a so called Applicative Functor or the Maybe Monad. So let’s look how both solution would look like.

Applicative Functor

The approach with an applicative functor works that we can upgrade any kind of functions. Let’s first create a function that added our three variables together.

let addThree a b c = a + b + c

Now we have a function with the function signature

int -> int -> int -> int

Or in other words, a function taking three int as an argument, and returning an int. But as learned so far we could not just call.

let result = addThree x y z

Because or x, y and z are int optional. So with an Applicative Functor we could upgrade our addThree function. So we could do something like this.

let addThreeOptionals = Option.lift3 addThree

So we have a function Option.lift3. We can pass any three argument function to it and what we get back is a new three argument function that now could be optional. When we expect the signature of our addThreeOptionals function (You can hover over addThreeOptionals if you don’t know yet) we now see addThreeOptionals has the following signature.

int optional -> int optional -> int optional -> int optional

Or in other words. We now have a function taking three arguments, sum then only when all of them are Some, and returning another int optional as a result. What we now can do is just write.

let resultWithA = addThreeOptionals x y z // Some 60

But as soon as we have an optional in it, we just get a None overall back.

let w = tryParse "hallo"
let ax = addThreeOptionals x y w // None

But we are not forced to create an intermediate function like addThreeOptionals. We also could have written.

let bx = Option.lift3 addThree x y z

It just means, you can just write any kind of function, and you never have to care if they are option or not. You always can assume that you have a valid value. If your function should also be able to work with optional, you just pass your function to Option.lift1, Option.lift2, Option.lift3 and so on to upgrade your function. So you just can stay on the Happy-Path as long as you wish!

But all of your functions will return option now. So at some point in your application you have to check whether your computation was successful or not. But it is up to you where you do it or where it makes sense to check it. So instead of checking x, y and z directly, you just can work with the values, directly add them but if you want to print the result of your addThreeOptionals function. You have to Pattern Match.

Maybe Monad

Another solution is the so called Maybe Monad. F# supports a feature named Computation Expression that are syntactic sugar for this kind of computations. Let’s just look how our code could look like with a Maybe Monad.

let resultWithMaybeA = maybe {
    let! x = tryParse "10"
    let! y = tryParse "20"
    let! z = tryParse "30"
    return x + y + z

As you see, we just can wrap our code inside a maybe { ... }. What you now see is a special syntax only available in a Computation Expression. You can write let! instead of just let. A let! basically does the unwrapping of a value for you.

Remember that tryParse actually returned an int option. But if you hover over x it is just an int. let! basically can turn a int option to an ordinary int for you. So you can work with the result of tryParse just as if it is a normal value. But overall resultWithMaybeA is still an int optional. In those case it will be Some 60.

If you would have written.

let resultWithMaybeB = maybe {
    let! x = tryParse "10"
    let! y = tryParse "hallo"
    let! z = tryParse "30"
    return x + y + z

resultWithMaybeB would be None. This is because tryParse "hallo" would result in None. And this will abort the maybe construct at this point, and it would overall just return None.


null is evil, because you have to add a lot of checking to get it right, a language like C# don’t support you in trying to find all places where you forgot or have to add checking to get a correct program.

Optionals solve the problem as you already get forced to check for None at compile-time. And you only need to do it at places where an Optional could be returned. With the idea of an Applicative Functor or the Maybe Monad you can still write code at places where you don’t want to add explicit checking, without losing the benefits of optionals.

In some future blogs I will show you in more detail how Applicative Functors and the Maybe Monad works. So you can build your own constructs !

Further Reading