Up to this point I created various articles about fold, in my Series I also created a category named Fold (Catamorphisms) but up till now I didn’t explained how this articles related to each other, or what Catamorphisms mean. In this article I want to talk about the remaining parts.

The List

Catamorphisms is a generalization that emerged from the list data-structure. The list data-structure, how it is found in functional programming, is usually build as a single linked list. Or to be more precise, it is build as a recursive data type expressed as a Discriminated Union. That is the reason why Algebraic Data-Types is the very first entry.

Catamorphisms is the idea that we also implement fold and foldBack functions for other discriminated unions besides list. Because of this it is important to first understand how to define data-types, especially recursive discriminated unions.

To get a better understanding of the concept, this time we implement our own list type.

type List<'a> =
    | Empty
    | Cons of head:'a * tail:List<'a>

I also create additionally constructor functions for each case:

let empty    = Empty
let cons h t = Cons(h,t)
When you wonder about the name Cons this dates back to Lisp. For example in Racket (a Lisp dialect) you can build a list in such way.
(define xs (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 empty))))

with the helper functions we defined in F# it almost looks the same.

let xs = (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 empty)))

As soon we have any kind of discriminated union, working with such a type follows a straight pattern. Usually we create a function that matches on our type, and we must provide code for every case we have. In our list case that means we must match on the Empty case and on the Cons(h,t) case and do something with every case.

But the Cons case is special, because it is recursive. So how do we work with it? We just write a recursive function that recurs! Once you notice this pattern, writing any kind of function for a recursive discriminated union becomes easy. First, let’s define some example data that we will use from now on:

let l1 = (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 empty)))
let l2 = (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 (cons 5 empty)))))
let l3 = (cons "Hello" (cons " " (cons "World!" empty)))

And our first example function listLength'

let rec listLength' list =
    match list with
    | Empty     -> 0
    | Cons(h,t) -> 1 + (listLength' t)

listLength' l1 // 3
listLength' l2 // 5
listLength' l3 // 3

listLength' returns the amount of elements in our list. We just need to handle both cases to achieve that. If we have an Empty case, the length is obvious, then we have zero elements. If we have Cons then we have one element plus the amount of elements of the remaining list. So we call listLength' t to get it.

let rec listSum' = function
    | Empty     -> 0
    | Cons(h,t) -> h + (listSum' t)

listSum' l1 // 6
listSum' l2 // 15
The keyword function is a shortcut. Instead of defining the last argument and Pattern Match on it. We can directly use function that does the same. This way we can omit the argument, and the match line.
listSum' is just a simple sum function that adds a list of int together. Probably at this time you start to see that listLength' and listSum' are very similar. But let’s create some more examples.

let rec listMap' f = function
    | Empty     -> empty
    | Cons(h,t) -> (cons (f h) (listMap' f t))

listMap' (fun x -> x * x) l1 // Cons (1,Cons (4,Cons (9,Empty)))
listMap' (fun x -> x * x) l2 // Cons (1,Cons (4,Cons (9,Cons (16,Cons (25,Empty)))))
listMap' String.length l3    // Cons (5,Cons (1,Cons (6,Empty)))

If you are not used to recursion then this looks a little bit more complicated, but it is still the same. We expect that map runs a function on every element. So what do we do we do with an empty list? We just return empty. Otherwise we have a single element h and another list t. In that case we just call (f h) to transform our h element, and how do we transform the remaining list t? With listMap', we only need to cons the result of both function calls.

In the next function we want to append an element to a list. Just think for a moment for yourself how you achieve that. The answer: In the Cons case we do nothing, as this is not the end of the list. Instead we transform an Empty with our element appended.

let rec listSnoc' x = function
    | Empty     -> (cons x empty)
    | Cons(h,t) -> (cons h (listSnoc' x t))

listSnoc' 4 l1        // Cons (1,Cons (2,Cons (3,Cons (4,Empty))))
listSnoc' "Kazom!" l3 // Cons ("Hello",Cons (" ",Cons ("World!",Cons ("Kazom!",Empty))))

Okay, at this point we have enough examples. When we look at our examples, how do we work with a discriminated union in general? All examples have one recurring pattern that we do all over again.

  1. We must pattern match on every case of the discriminated union.
  2. In a non-recursive case we just do whatever needs to be done.
  3. In a recursive case like Cons we have two data-fields. h and t. We just work with h however we need, exactly like a non-recursive case. For the recursive datum t we just call our function again and recurs.

This is a general pattern how we can work with any discriminated union and provide any kind of transformation for it. But there can be two problems with this approach:

  1. The function feels repetitive, or more important, always rewriting the whole recursion logic feels not like Don’t-Repeat-Yourself.
  2. None of the functions we have, are tail-recursive.

Let’s address those problems separately.

Introducing Cata

We already identified our Pattern, so what we usually do is to create a cata function that abstract those repetition. To describe the repetition in one sentence: A cata function abstracts the recursion over a data-structure.

We handle the recursion inside of cata. cata then expects a function to handle every case. New functions can then be created out of cata.

Abstraction is probably the most important thing in programming. Abstraction is the idea to see recurring patterns. That means in order to do abstraction we need at least two things that are very similar (lets name them A and B). We then create a new function (we name it C) that contains all the similar things between A and B. To handle the differences we expect the differences to be passed as arguments to C (Often in the form of functions). After we have C, we rewrite A and B by using C.

Our first version of cata could look like this.

let rec listCata' fEmpty fCons = function
    | Empty     -> fEmpty ()
    | Cons(h,t) -> fCons h (listCata' fEmpty fCons t)

Before we look closer in how it works, let’s see how we can create a new length function defined with cata instead.

let listLength'' list = listCata' (fun _ -> 0) (fun h t -> 1 + t) list

listLength'' l1 // 3
listLength'' l2 // 5
listLength'' l3 // 3

listCata' just expects two functions. The first functions handles the Empty case, and the second functions handles the Cons case. But which arguments do we pass those function exactly?

We pass the data that is attached to every case to the provided function. As the Empty case don’t contain any data, we just call fEmpty () and pass it the unit value.

The Cons case contains two datums. It contains the head and the tail element. But we do not pass the tail element directly. Just think about it for a minute. The purpose of the cata function is to abstract the recursion, so the function passed to cata don’t need to handle the recursion. If we would pass t directly to fCons then fCons again would need to handle the recursion. Instead of passing t, we pass the result of the recursive call.

If this transformation looks strange. Actually we have written this kind of code multiple times already. Let’s look again at the first listLength' and lets think how we could transform listLength' to the more abstract listCata'. When we look at the Cons line It looked like this:

| Cons(h,t) -> 1 + (listLength' t)

At first we can treat + just as a function. Instead of writing it infix between two arguments we also can write it prefix before its arguments. Then it looks like a normal function call.

|Cons(h,t) -> (+) 1 (listLength' t)

But in our listCata' function we don’t want to calculate (+), a hard-coded function, we want to execute the function the user provided, so we write:

|Cons(h,t) -> fCons 1 (listLength' t)

Additionally, we don’t want to pass 1. 1 was the replacement for h for the length function. In the abstracted version we just pass h to fCons and fCons decide what to do with h. And the last thing, our function is named listCata' so we need to recurs on listCata' not listLength'. So we end with:

|Cons(h,t) -> fCons h (listCata' fEmpty fCons t)

Now let’s improve listCata' step by step. In the list example this isn’t so obvious, but as we see later when we have other discriminated unions with much more cases and a lot more recursive cases, then calling a cata function can become annoying. We can fix that by creating a partial applied function before we match.

let rec listCata'' fEmpty fCons list =
    let recurs = listCata'' fEmpty fCons
    match list with
    | Empty     -> fEmpty ()
    | Cons(h,t) -> fCons h (recurs t)

In the case of a list this isn’t a big improvement, we also cannot use the function keyword anymore. But usually it is a good idea and it makes the code a little bit cleaner, especially when we create a cata function for more complicated discriminated unions.

A second improvement. Actually functions that take unit as a value are bad! A pure function that expects unit always only can return the exact same value when it is called. F# is not a pure-functional language, so theoretically fEmpty could do some kind of side-effects and always return something different. But, I don’t encourage such things. A cata function is really the idea to transform a data-structure, there shouldn’t be side-effects in it. So instead of a function, we just expect a direct value that should be used for the Empty case. On top, I name the return type 'State. This is just a generic-type, but by having a more descriptive name as 'a, 'b and so on, it can help in understanding the function signatures. Now our third listCata''' version looks like this:

let rec listCata''' empty fCons list : 'State =
    let recurs = listCata''' empty fCons
    match list with
    | Empty     -> empty
    | Cons(h,t) -> fCons h (recurs t)

When we look at the type-signature of our function the type-signature should look familiar!

empty:'State -> fCons:('a -> 'State -> 'State) -> list:List<'a> -> 'State

It is nearly the same as foldBack! The only difference is that the arguments are in another order. Let’s compare it with the signature of List.foldBack:

folder:('T -> 'State -> 'State) -> list:list<'a> -> state:'State -> 'State

It just expects the fCons function first, here named folder, then the list to operator on, and finally the value for the empty case, here just named state. So let’s also do this kind of re-order, and finally we end up with our final listCata function.

let rec listCata fCons list state : 'State =
    match list with
    | Empty     -> state
    | Cons(h,t) -> fCons h (listCata fCons t state)

Usually, i wouldn’t do such a re-order for a cata function. We also lost the ability to use partial application with the recurs function. But because our list type is anyway so small, the re-order doesn’t hurt much. Here, it is more an example to show more clearly the relation that cata always has the same behaviour as foldBack.

It is important to understand that it behaves like foldBack not like fold! I will later go more deeply into this topic and show how fold and foldBack differ, and why that difference is important.

Our goal why we created a cata function was that we have an abstraction, instead of writing functions that do the recursion all over by themselves, we now can use listCata that abstract this kind of thing for us. Now, we also should use listCata and rewrite all our functions we created so far by using our abstraction. Here are the final list functions re-written with listCata instead.

let listLength list = listCata (fun x acc -> 1 + acc) list 0
let listSum    list = listCata (fun x acc -> x + acc) list 0
let listMap f  list = listCata (fun x acc -> cons (f x) acc) list empty
let listSnoc x list = listCata (fun x acc -> cons x acc) list (cons x empty)

And some examples to see that they work like expected:

listLength l1 // 3
listLength l2 // 5
listLength l3 // 3
listSum l1    // 6
listSum l2    // 15
listMap (fun x -> x * x) l1 // Cons (1,Cons (4,Cons (9,Empty)))
listMap (fun x -> x * x) l2 // Cons (1,Cons (4,Cons (9,Cons (16,Cons (25,Empty)))))
listSnoc 4 l1        // Cons (1,Cons (2,Cons (3,Cons (4,Empty))))
listSnoc "Kazoom" l3 // Cons ("Hello",Cons (" ",Cons ("World!",Cons ("Kazoom",Empty))))

Let’s summarize what we have done so far:

  1. We usually start with a recursively defined discriminated union.
  2. When we work with such a type, we need to write recursive functions.
  3. Instead of writing functions with recursion directly, we create a cata function that abstracts the recursion for us.
  4. The cata function expects a function for every case.
  5. Cases without data can be simple values instead of functions.
  6. We just pass all data associated with that case to the correct function.
  7. We don’t pass a datum that is recursive to the functions. Those datum must be first passed to cata itself.
  8. The behaviour of cata is the same as foldBack.
  9. cata is not tail-recursive.

Tail Recursion with FoldBack

At this point we should ask ourselves if we really need tail-recursion. The answer is not always yes. We really should think of the use-cases we have, and what kind of data-structure we defined. And in the most cases, the answer is No.

It is important to understand that we only run into problems with recursion when we have a data-structure with a linear depth. In our list example, this is the case. What does it mean exactly? It means that it is pretty normal to have very deep recursion, usually a case where every additional element increases the depth by one.

For a single linked list this is the case. A list with 10,000 elements will also create a stack depth of 10,000. So it is important to create tail-recursive functions. But does that mean all the work on cata was wasted?

Absolutely not. We just take cata as the starting point and we just try to make cata tail-recursive. The tail recursive version then is what we call foldBack.

And this leads to the next articles in my series. Converting functions into tail-recursive functions is a task on its own that needs proper explanation.

One technique that is most often used is the idea of an accumulator. Instead of doing a calculation once a function finished, we do the calculations immediately and pass the result to the next function call. I explain this conept in more detail in: From mutable loops to immutability

Another idea is to use a continuation function, I already provide two articles explaining the ideas behind this technique. In Continuations and foldBack I explain in deep how a tail-recursive foldBack works. And in my article CPS fold – fold with early exit I explain the idea of a continuation function a second time with fold.

But it doesn’t mean both ideas are interchangeable. When we directly want to create a tail-recursive foldBack function then we need to use the continuation-function approach. We cannot create a tail-recursive foldBack with an accumulator approach.

As I already have three articles on those topics I don’t go into much further detail, so I just provide a quick explanation. We just start with the cata function. In cata we see something like this:

| Cons(h,t) -> fCons h (listCata fCons t state)

So, the second argument to fCons is a recursive call. Let’s shortly rethink what it does. It calls the function and it will return some kind of data, this data is then passed to the fCons function as the second argument. With the continuation approach we just assume we already have that data. So we just replace every recursive call with some variable we don’t have yet.

| Cons(h,t) -> fCons h racc

Sure, that wouldn’t compile now, because we didn’t define racc anywhere, so we wrap it inside a function, that functions then becomes racc somewhere in the future.

| Cons(h,t) -> (fun racc -> fCons h racc)

But that isn’t anything, we still need to somehow traverse our list, and call that function. In short, we change our previously defined cata all in all to something like that. Let’s see the cata and foldBack directly to each other.

let rec listCata fCons list state : 'State =
    match list with
    | Empty     -> state
    | Cons(h,t) -> fCons h (listCata fCons t state)

let listFoldBack fCons list state : 'State =
    let rec loop list cont =
        match list with
        | Empty     -> cont state
        | Cons(h,t) -> loop t (fun racc -> cont (fCons h racc))
    loop list id

The implementation of our list functions also didn’t change at all. Instead of listCata they just use listFoldBack.

let listLength list = listFoldBack (fun x acc -> 1 + acc) list 0
let listSum    list = listFoldBack (fun x acc -> x + acc) list 0
let listMap f  list = listFoldBack (fun x acc -> cons (f x) acc) list empty
let listSnoc x list = listFoldBack (fun x acc -> cons x acc) list (cons x empty)

Binary Trees

Up so far we explored the concept of the cata function only with the list and when we make that function tail-recursive we call it foldBack. But as said before, Catamorphisms are a generalization. That means, the concept of writing a cata function and creating tail-recursive version out of it should also be done for other discriminated unions, not just for a list.

For the next example we will look at a binary tree. A binary tree is quite interesting because it is very similar to a list. But let’s see that in more detail:

type Tree<'a> =
    | Leaf
    | Node of 'a * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a>

Once again I also introduce some helper functions to create the cases.

let node x l r = Node(x,l,r)
let endNode x  = node x Leaf Leaf

And a simple tree that contains the numbers 1 to 7 ordered.

let tree =
    (node 4
        (node 2 (endNode 1) (endNode 3))
        (node 6 (endNode 5) (endNode 7)))

So, why is a Tree similar to a list? Because the definition is nearly the same. If you look closer you see that a tree has two cases exactly like a list has. Leaf marks the end exactly like Empty did for the list. Instead of Cons with two datums, we have Node with three datums.

The only difference between a list and a binary tree is that every element in a list only has one child, while a binary tree has two child’s. Those child’s are often named Left and Right. That’s also the reason why I named the variables l and r in the functions.

Cata for Tree

So, let’s start by creating a cata function for our tree.

let rec treeCata' fLeaf fNode tree =
    match tree with
    | Leaf        -> fLeaf ()
    | Node(x,l,r) -> fNode x (treeCata' fLeaf fNode l) (treeCata' fLeaf fNode r)

We started by just turning every case into a function. This time we name them fLeaf and fNode, after the cases. The pattern is the same. The Leaf case has no data, so we just call fLeaf with the unit value (). We should remember that we can eliminate the function in a next version.

The difference in the Node case to the previous Cons case in the list is, that we have three datums. So fNode will also receive three arguments. But the second and third argument is a tree again. So before we pass those, we need to recursively call treeCata' on those trees again.

The two recursive calls looks quite long, so we first create a partial applied recurs function. Now we have:

let rec treeCata'' fLeaf fNode tree =
    let recurs = treeCata'' fLeaf fNode
    match tree with
    | Leaf        -> fLeaf ()
    | Node(x,l,r) -> fNode x (recurs l) (recurs r)

Next, we eliminate the function for the leaf case.

let rec treeCata''' leaf fNode tree =
    let recurs = treeCata''' leaf fNode
    match tree with
    | Leaf        -> leaf
    | Node(x,l,r) -> fNode x (recurs l) (recurs r)

As a tree also only has two cases, and one of them is not a function, we already see that we already have a signature like foldBack. So let’s re-order the function arguments. Previously I said we loose the ability for the partial applied recurs function. But we still can write a recurs function. We only need to know which argument changes.

In the code above you see that we call (recurs l) and (recurs r). So we only want to pass the next tree it should work on. So we create a recurs function that only expects the remaining tree. All in one, we now end with:

let rec treeCata folder tree acc : 'State =
    let recurs t = treeCata folder t acc
    match tree with
    | Leaf        -> acc
    | Node(x,l,r) -> folder x (recurs l) (recurs r)

Let’s create a length, sum and a map function with our cata function.

let treeLength tree = treeCata (fun x l r -> 1 + l + r) tree 0
let treeSum    tree = treeCata (fun x l r -> x + l + r) tree 0
let treeMap f  tree = treeCata (fun x l r -> node (f x) l r) tree Leaf

// tree was:
// (node 4
//   (node 2 (endNode 1) (endNode 3))
//   (node 6 (endNode 5) (endNode 7)))

treeLength tree // 7
treeSum tree    // 28
treeMap (fun x -> x * x) tree
// (node 16
//   (node 4  (endNode 1)  (endNode 9))
//   (node 36 (endNode 25) (endNode 49)))

Fold vs. FoldBack

Before we talk about how to turn cata into a tail-recursive function we should talk about the difference between fold and foldBack. I explained that if we turn cata into a tail-recursive function we get back foldBack. If I mention cata or foldBack i use the terms interchangeable. The fact that one is tail-recursive and the other not, is not important right now, it is more important how they behave.

But it opens up an important question. When we forget for a moment the mechanical implementation to create the cata function. How do we know how to implement fold and foldBack and how do we know how they should behave? Or what is anyway the exact behaviour of fold and foldBack?

If the question is unclear, let’s look again at a list and lets see how fold and foldBack behaves.

Single-Linked list

We can visualize a single-linked list like boxes, and every box points to the next element in the list. Until the last element points to the end Empty. In the visualization above represented as /.

The functions fold and foldBack are also often named foldLeft and foldRight in other languages. They are named like this, because they describe how a list will be traversed. fold (or foldLeft) traverses a list from left-to-right, while foldBack (or foldRight) traverses the list from right-to-left.

So when we use fold the function we provide fold first sees 1, then 2, then 3 and so on. While when using foldBack we first encounter 5, then 4, then 3 and so on. This is easy to understand.

But how do they anyway translate to something like a binary tree? Our tree that we used so far looks like this:

Binary Tree

When we think of fold as left-to-right and foldBack as right-to-left, how do we translate that to a tree? The problem we have, there doesn’t exists only one way to traverse a tree. There are many way to traverse a tree, and even then the question is which traversal we identify as left or right.

Up so far I made it easy, as I just said that cata is foldBack without further describing the idea behind it why that is so. So let’s re-look at fold and foldBack for the list and let’s see if we can describe the operation slightly different.

Previously we already noticed that a list and a binary tree are very similar. We can think of a list that contains one-element and a one recursive argument, or one-child. A binary tree on the other hand is one-element and two-child’s. When we visualize a tree we usually show the deeper (recursive) layers underneath an element. In the above visualization we have 4 and underneath it 2 and 6. But we also can think of a list in such a way.

List as Tree

We have 1 and we have the recursive child 2. Instead of thinking of traversing a list from left-to-right or right-to-left, we look at the folder-function, and we describe what the folder-function sees. So when we sum all elements in a list like this:

List.fold (fun acc x -> acc + x) 0 [1;2;3;4]

What does the folder-function (fun acc x -> acc + x) sees exactly? Let’s say fold is at the element 1, which values do we have?

We have 0 and 1. Or more precisely, we get the accumulator so-far, and one-element of our data-structure. What do we see when fold is at element 2? We get 1 and 2. Once again we get the accumulator so far, and the current element.

Generally speaking, with fold we get the current element and an accumulator that is the combination of all the things we already have seen. When fold hits 3, then we get 3 and 3. The first 3 the accumulator was computed by the already seen elements 1 and 2 (1 + 2).

We also can think of fold as looping. Because in looping we usually start with some mutable initial value, and when we loop over a data-structure we combine the current element with some outer element.

let mutable acc = 0
for x in [1..4] do
    acc <- acc + x

But when we look at foldBack it behaves differently. When we write:

List.foldBack (fun x acc -> x + acc) [1;2;3;4] 0

We get the same result, because the order of + operation doesn’t matter. But the behaviour is different. When our folder-function hits the element 1, which data, do we get?

We get 1 and 9. 1 is the current element. But what is 9? 9 is the result of the combination of the child we have at this point. In foldBack we don’t get an accumulation of the things we already have seen, we get the combination of the things we didn’t have seen so far!

With foldBack we get the current element, and the combination of all its child elements. When we hit 2 for example, then we just see 2 and 7. Because the child of 2 is 3 + 4. But we didn’t see 1, because 1 is on top of 2.

All in one we can say that foldBack is a structure-preserving function. We not get the current element and an accumulation so far, we get the current element including one value for each child. And with a tree this distinction becomes more clear. When we look again at our tree.

Binary Tree

Which arguments does the folder-functions sees when we are at the top element 4? We see 4 the current element, 6 for the left child (1 + 2 + 3) and 18 (5 + 6 + 7) for the right-child. In foldBack we always get the exact same amount of arguments a case has.

The definition of Node was Node of 'a * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a> so we also get three arguments in the folder function. But instead of two trees, we already get the result of them. That means, while fold is like iteration/looping, foldBack is like recursion.

Consider how we would write a recursive sum function without cata, the Node case would look something like that.

| Node(x,l,r) -> x + (sum l) + (sum r)

As (sum l) is a function call it just starts calculating a value, but when it returns it contains the sum of the left child. So once (sum l) and (sum r) completes we have a line like x + y + z. We just add three values together. foldBack is exactly that behaviour. foldBack always works like recursion. That is why cata is always like foldBack. foldBack only ensures that we have tail-recursion.

So how does fold for a tree look like? In fact the folder-function only sees two arguments not three. Why is that so? Because fold only sees the things it already have seen.

The Node case only contains a single non-recursive datum. That means the fold function only sees an accumulator so far and all the current non-recursive elements. For our specified binary tree that are only two arguments.

But how does fold traverse a tree? The answer is, it doesn’t matter. The purpose of fold is not to provide a specific order. The purpose of fold is just to visit every element. fold is ideal for things that behave like Monoids. fold is in general a good choice if the operation you have doesn’t depend on the structure itself only on the elements itself.

You also can compare fold with foreach in C#. With foreach in C#, you just iterate through a data-structure. You also can iterate through a dictionary, and you get the key and value of every element, but you don’t get any information of the structure of the Dictionary itself. When you loop over a dictionary with foreach you just expect to somehow get all the values, but you don’t expect a particular order.

But if you need the additional information of the structure and somehow work with the full tree, then you must use foldBack. Because of that, foldBack is more powerful than fold as you always can use foldBack instead of fold. But the reverse is not true.

FoldBack for Tree

I will implement foldBack with the Continuation approach, but I don’t go into much detail how the implementation works exactly, you can read more of those details here:

First, we look again at cata.

let rec treeCata folder tree acc : 'State =
    let recurs t = treeCata folder t acc
    match tree with
    | Leaf        -> acc
    | Node(x,l,r) -> folder x (recurs l) (recurs r)

Instead of a recursive treeCata we will create an inner loop function that is used for recursion.

let treeCata folder tree acc =
    let rec loop t =
        match t with
        | Leaf        -> acc
        | Node(x,l,r) -> folder x (loop l) (loop r)
    loop tree

As we now have an inner recursive loop we also need to explicitly start the recursion with loop tree. In the next step we expand the Node case and remove the nested loop calls and put each on its own line.

let treeCata folder tree acc =
    let rec loop t =
        match t with
        | Leaf        -> acc
        | Node(x,l,r) ->
            let lacc = loop l
            let racc = loop r
            folder x lacc racc
    loop tree

Finally, we add cont (the continuation) to the loop function and rename the function to treeFoldBack.

let treeFoldBack folder tree acc : 'State =
    let rec loop t cont =
        match t with
        | Leaf        -> cont acc
        | Node(x,l,r) ->
            loop l (fun lacc ->
            loop r (fun racc ->
                cont (folder x lacc racc)
    loop tree id

Before, we had code like:

let lacc = loop l

it was recursive and it meant: Recurse on loop l. Somewhere in the future (after many more recursive calls) it will return a result that we save in lacc.

Then we executed:

let racc = loop r

It was recursive again and after many more recursive calls we got the result and saved it in racc. But all of this is not tail-recursive. The new treeFoldBack function really only has one function call.

loop l (fun ...)

The idea of continuations is like this: Please execute loop l callback. When you finished calculating the result, please call the callback function and pass it the result. Callback or Continuation really means the same.

But in this case we call loop that is in tail position. So we end up with a tail-recursive function.

FoldBack examples

Instead let’s focus on things we can do with foldBack but not with fold. As foldBack preserves the structure, we can actually very easily convert a Tree into a string representation.

We just convert a Leaf node into the String "Leaf", and a Node will be converted with Node(%d, %s, %s) into a string. Because we get the string results instead of the recursive values, this kind of task is pretty easy.

treeCata     (sprintf "Node(%d, %s, %s)") tree "Leaf"
treeFoldBack (sprintf "Node(%d, %s, %s)") tree "Leaf"

treeCata and foldBack both return the same string: "Node(4, Node(2, Node(1, Leaf, Leaf), Node(3, Leaf, Leaf)), Node(6, Node(5, Leaf, Leaf), Node(7, Leaf, Leaf)))"

I used the tree variable so far as a binary search tree. That means it is ordered. The left child’s are smaller, the right child’s are bigger then the current element. We also can create an ordered list from our tree. A Leaf node must be converted into an empty list. Otherwise we just need to concat the left, current and the right node.

let ordered = treeFoldBack (fun x l r -> l @ [x] @ r) tree [] // [1;2;3;4;5;6;7]

or any other order we like:

let reversed  = treeFoldBack (fun x l r -> r @ [x] @ l) tree [] // [7;6;5;4;3;2;1]
let preOrder  = treeFoldBack (fun x l r -> [x] @ l @ r) tree [] // [4;2;1;3;6;5;7]
let postOrder = treeFoldBack (fun x l r -> l @ r @ [x]) tree [] // [1;3;2;5;7;6;4]

Let’s turn the Tree into Lisp code. In Lisp a tree is just represented as a list with tree elements. The first element is the current node, the second and third element represent the left and right node, and are just lists themselves. The Leaf node is represented as the empty list.

"(quote " + treeFoldBack (sprintf "(%d %s %s)") tree "empty" + ")"
// "(quote (4 (2 (1 empty empty) (3 empty empty)) (6 (5 empty empty) (7 empty empty))))"

Let’s test it in Racket.

(define tree (quote (4 (2 (1 empty empty) (3 empty empty)) (6 (5 empty empty) (7 empty empty)))))
(define (left tree)  (car (cdr tree)))
(define (right tree) (car (cdr (cdr tree))))
(define (datum tree) (car tree))

and in the REPL:

> (datum (left (left tree)))
> (datum (left (right tree)))

Nice, this is correct. For the last example let’s look again at our example tree:

Binary Tree

Let’s say we want to create a path to a specific element. For example when we search for 5, we want the steps to find 5. When we start at 4 we first must go right, and then Left. So we want “Right Left” as a result. When we search for 1 we get “Left Left” and so on.

let path search tree =
    let leaf = (false, [])
    let node x (lb,lp) (rb,rp) =
        if x = search then
            (true, [])
        elif lb = true then
            (true, "Left" :: lp)
        elif rb = true then
            (true, "Right" :: rp)
            (false, [])
    let path = treeFoldBack node tree leaf
    match path with
    | (true, []) -> "First element"
    | (true, p)  -> String.concat " " p
    | (false, _) -> "Not in Tree"

path 1 tree // "Left Left"
path 2 tree // "Left"
path 3 tree // "Left Right"
path 4 tree // "First Element"
path 5 tree // "Right Left"
path 9 tree // "Not in Tree"

In the solution I just transform every node into a tuple that contains two informations. A boolean that contains the information if the child contains the searched element. And when it is true the node above prepend either "Left" or "Right" to the list. As an example, when we search for 5 we get the following transformations:

Tree with path to 5

Fold for Tree

At last we want to look at fold. As we learned so far, we don’t need to implement a particular tree traversal order. For fold it is only important that we visit every node and we treat an accumulator through the calculation. For implementing fold we should just pick the easiest or fastest way we can come up with.

Up so far, including the other blog posts, I showed two ways how to achieve tail-recursion. Either way through an accumulator or through a continuation function. But both ideas don’t work with our tree. The problem is that we don’t just have a simple calculation that we can forward as an accumulator, we always must traverse two child’s for every node.

The solution to fix that is that we manage the stack ourselves. This is the typical solution how languages without proper tail-call-optimization handles recursion. But in the F# case we don’t need to switch completely to looping. We just make the stack part as an additional value on the recursive inner loop function. We also could say, we use two accumulators. One for the value we computed so far, and another that keeps track of task we still need to do later.

So here is the idea. At first we identify what we actually need to do in the Node case. And they are three things we need to do:

  1. Process the current element
  2. Recurs on the left child
  3. Recurs on the right child

We should pick a order of the operation so that only one task remains open. And this task is pushed onto a stack that can be later processed. One way to achieve that is.

  1. We process the current element
  2. We put the right child onto the stack
  3. We loop on the left child

Let’s give it a first try:

let treeFold' folder acc tree =
    let rec loop acc stack tree =
        match tree with
        | Leaf        -> acc
        | Node(x,l,r) -> loop (folder acc x) (r :: stack) l
    loop acc [] tree

Let’s test it:

treeFold' (fun acc x -> printf "%d " x) () tree // 4 2 1

Okay, that’s not quite right, but I wrote it in this way so we can discuss what happens. This makes it easier to understand the full solution. At first, if you find the short Node case hard to understand, you can expand it. The line:

loop (folder acc x) (r :: stack) l

is the same as:

let newAcc   = folder acc x
let newStack = r :: stack
loop newAcc newStack l

But all in one, here are the things that are happening:

  1. We enter the tree.
  2. We process element 4, by printing it (folder acc x)
  3. The right child of 4 is added to the stack r :: stack
  4. We loop on the left-child
  5. We process element 2, by printing it
  6. The right child of 2 is added to the stack
  7. We loop on the left-child
  8. We process element 1, by printing it
  9. The right child of 1 is added to the stack (a Leaf)
  10. We loop on the left-child
  11. We hit a Leaf, and we return acc.

So what are we missing? Sure, we forgot to process the right-child’s. We put them all onto the stack, but we never look at them. So what we need to do is to extend the Leaf case. Instead of immediately returning acc, we first need to check if there are pending trees in the stack. If yes, we need to loop on those. Only if the stack is empty we can return acc. So our final treeFold looks like this:

let treeFold folder acc tree =
    let rec loop acc stack tree =
        match tree with
        | Leaf ->
            match stack with
            | []          -> acc
            | tree::stack -> loop acc stack tree
        | Node(x,l,r) -> loop (folder acc x) (r :: stack) l
    loop acc [] tree

Now we get all numbers printed.

treeFold (fun acc x -> printf "%d " x) () tree // 4 2 1 3 6 5 7

And if you noticed, this kind of tree-traversal is a pre-order tree traversal. But it is only pre-order traversal by accident. I just thought of an easy way to traverse so we need to put as few things as possible onto the stack variable. Someone should not expect a specific tree traversal order for fold.

Some Benchmarking

I think some simple benchmarks are quite good. At first, we always talk about tail-recursion and I provided ways to achieve it, but never looked at performance. And there are two things to say here.

First, tail-recursion is not about performance. Yes, sometimes it also improves performance, but the main point of tail-recursion is that we don’t end up with stack overflows. We first care for correctness, only then comes speed. If you think otherwise, then answer me the following question: What exactly do we get out of a function that is theoretically fast, but practically we cannot execute it because it crashes with a stack overflow? So the main point of tail-recursion is Correctness, that it is sometimes faster is more an additional benefit.

Second, tail-recursion with a continuation approach how i used it with foldBack is usually slower than pure recursion!

All of those are important. At first, you shouldn’t implement tail-recursion just because someone told you it is better or faster. It not only can be slower, it also can be harder to understand and to maintain. So you really should ask yourself if you really need tail-recursion. And for a binary tree this question is already legit. If you create a binary tree that always balance itself, then you will less likely run into any kind of problems with a non tail-recursive cata function.

With a stack depth of 1 you can handle two values (empty and one value), with a stack depth of 2 you can handle 4 values. 3 is already 8 values. So the amount of values doubles by just increasing the depth by one. With a stack depth of 32, what is just peanuts, you already can handle 4.294.967.296 values. Before you run into problems with the stack depth you run into completely other problems! Even if you just save 32-bit integers just the integers alone already need 16 GiB of memory, and that does not include the Node(x,l,r) objects that also consumes memory. So you should ask yourself if you really need a fold or foldback function that are harder to develop and probably even can be slower!

But let’s see some benchmarks. First I create some helper functions for the creation of some trees.

let createTree builder init depth =
    let rec loop count tree =
        if   count < depth
        then loop (count+1) (builder tree)
        else tree
    loop 1 init

let createLeftTree  = createTree (fun tree -> node 1 tree Leaf) (endNode 1)
let createRightTree = createTree (fun tree -> node 1 Leaf tree) (endNode 1)
let createBalanced  = createTree (fun tree -> node 1 tree tree) (endNode 1)

So let’s create some small trees with 10K nodes.

let smallL = createLeftTree  10000
let smallR = createRightTree 10000

Those trees are not balanced, but they can still be handled by cata on my machine. But just benchmarking one call is still too fast, so I create a bench function that calls some code a specific amount of time.

let bench times f =
    let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
    for i in 1 .. times do
        f () |> ignore
    printfn "Timing: %O" sw.Elapsed

So, when we sum up every 10.000 nodes with treeCata and do that 10.000 times, which timings do we get for treeCata and foldBack? I run every bench line twice.

bench 10000 (fun _ -> treeCata (fun x l r -> x + l + r) smallL 0)
// Real: 00:00:04.290, CPU: 00:00:04.296, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:04.292, CPU: 00:00:04.265, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

bench 10000 (fun _ -> treeCata (fun x l r -> x + l + r) smallR 0)
// Real: 00:00:04.145, CPU: 00:00:04.140, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:04.144, CPU: 00:00:04.140, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

bench 10000 (fun _ -> treeFoldBack (fun x l r -> x + l + r) smallL 0)
// Real: 00:00:07.518, CPU: 00:00:07.546, GC gen0: 1617, gen1: 1616, gen2: 1
// Real: 00:00:07.448, CPU: 00:00:07.437, GC gen0: 1621, gen1: 1621, gen2: 0

bench 10000 (fun _ -> treeFoldBack (fun x l r -> x + l + r) smallR 0)
// Real: 00:00:08.076, CPU: 00:00:08.078, GC gen0: 1628, gen1: 1628, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:08.146, CPU: 00:00:08.140, GC gen0: 1625, gen1: 1625, gen2: 0

So overall, the foldBack result are disastrous. At first, creating a lot of continuation functions creates a lot of garbage, all those closure functions needs to be managed on the heap. As a result the garbage collector runs quite often. 1600 gen0 and 1600 gen1 clean-ups! Overall foldBack is tail-recursive, but takes the double of time to finish compared to the cata functions. On top, the cata functions trigger not a single garbage collection clean-up, that is probably also the reason why they are faster.

But we also should consider treeFold. Actually just summing up the nodes is also a task that can be done by treeFold, so how fast is treeFold?

bench 10000 (fun _ -> treeFold (+) 0 smallL)
// Real: 00:00:02.882, CPU: 00:00:02.890, GC gen0: 508, gen1: 508, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:02.864, CPU: 00:00:02.859, GC gen0: 508, gen1: 508, gen2: 0

bench 10000 (fun _ -> treeFold (+) 0 smallR)
// Real: 00:00:02.830, CPU: 00:00:02.812, GC gen0: 508, gen1: 508, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:02.824, CPU: 00:00:02.828, GC gen0: 509, gen1: 509, gen2: 0

Those results are quite interesting. They are faster as treeCata and treeFoldback. I expected that it is faster as foldBack, because just handling a stack of trees should be way more efficient as handling a lot of closure functions. But even the fact that they still trigger quite a lot of garbage clean-ups, it is still nearly twice as fast as the cata function! By the way, we can even get the amount of GCs down. Actually there is no point in using an immutable stack. We also can use an mutable stack in fold. This makes the implementation a little bit harder again.

let treeFoldStack folder acc tree =
    let stack = System.Collections.Generic.Stack<_>()
    let rec loop acc tree =
        match tree with
        | Leaf ->
            if   stack.Count > 0
            then loop acc (stack.Pop())
            else acc
        | Node(x,l,r) ->
            stack.Push r
            loop (folder acc x) l
    loop acc tree

Let’s see how it compares to treeFold

bench 10000 (fun _ -> treeFoldStack (+) 0 smallL)
// Real: 00:00:04.018, CPU: 00:00:04.015, GC gen0: 416, gen1: 416, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:04.029, CPU: 00:00:04.015, GC gen0: 416, gen1: 416, gen2: 0

bench 10000 (fun _ -> treeFoldStack (+) 0 smallR)
// Real: 00:00:04.000, CPU: 00:00:03.984, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:03.994, CPU: 00:00:03.953, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

Also, this is not what I expected, it becomes slower to the speed of the cata function. And in the smallL case it still triggers a lot of GC clean-ups. On a tree only with right nodes we don’t have any clean-ups because we don’t save anything in the stack. It is still quite interesting to see that the timing with and without GC clean-ups are the same. So it seems the GC clean-ups are so fast that they overall don’t matter at all for the overall timing. At least on my machine.

So, how are the timings for really big but balanced trees? A balanced tree with a depth of 25 contains 33.554.431 entries. How are the timings here?

let balanced25 = createBalanced 25
let sum x l r = x + l + r

treeCata sum balanced25 0
// Real: 00:00:01.242, CPU: 00:00:01.234, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:01.239, CPU: 00:00:01.218, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

treeFoldBack sum balanced25 0
// Real: 00:00:02.501, CPU: 00:00:02.500, GC gen0: 556, gen1: 555, gen2: 1
// Real: 00:00:02.451, CPU: 00:00:02.453, GC gen0: 555, gen1: 555, gen2: 0

treeFold (+) 0 balanced25
// Real: 00:00:01.000, CPU: 00:00:00.968, GC gen0: 171, gen1: 171, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:01.000, CPU: 00:00:01.000, GC gen0: 171, gen1: 171, gen2: 0

treeFoldStack (+) 0 balanced25
// Real: 00:00:01.418, CPU: 00:00:01.421, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
// Real: 00:00:01.412, CPU: 00:00:01.406, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0

All in one, the cata function overall is usually the easiest to implement, in its performance it is also quite good, at least better as a naive implementation with continuation functions. Because most memory get handled by the stack, it also don’t causes garbage collection.

An implementation with a mutable stack also can be efficient in terms of garbage collection, but at least on my machine it is still slower compared to the pure recursive version.

As an overall result you shouldn’t abandon the cata function, just because you fear that non tail-recursive functions are automatically slower. Usually they are very easy to implement and the speed is quite good. Instead you should consider if you expect problems with the stack depth. When you create balanced trees this is quite uncommon that you run into problems with the stack depth.

But with a type like a list that has linear recursion, where every element increases the stack depth by one, you should consider more time in writing tail-recursive functions.


Up so far I only talked about lists and binary trees, but both types basically contain everything you need to know. Any other type is basically just repetition of what was said so far. As a last example I want to show the small Markdown example that I created in the Algebraic-Data Types article. It is not a full description of the Markdown definition, but is good enough as an example.

type Markdown =
    | NewLine
    | Literal    of string
    | Bold       of string
    | InlineCode of string
    | Block      of Markdown list

Our Markdown definition contains 4 non-recursive cases and one recursive case. We just did what we did so far. We create a cata function that expects a function for every case. As NewLine contains no data, we can just expect a plain value.

The recursive element is quite different from what we have seen so far. Instead of a single recursive element we have a list of recursive elements. But that shouldn’t be much of a difference. We just call the recurs function for every element in the list with List.map. Overall we end up with the following cata function.

let rec markCata newline literal bold code block doc : 'r =
    let recurs = markCata newline literal bold code block
    match doc with
    | NewLine        -> newline
    | Literal    str -> literal str
    | Bold       str -> bold str
    | InlineCode str -> code str
    | Block      doc -> block (List.map recurs doc)

Do we need a fold or foldBack? Well, I don’t know you, but I don’t think we ever see a markdown document that has some ten thousand of nested blocks so recursion becomes a problem. Probably even a nesting more than 5 is already rare. So overall I think writing fold and foldBack is probably just a waste of time. So let’s once again write a function that turns a markdown document into HTML.

let produceHtml =
    let escape         = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode
    let wrap tag str   = sprintf "<%s>%s</%s>" tag str tag
    let wrapEscape tag = wrap tag << escape
    markCata "<br/>" escape (wrapEscape "strong") (wrapEscape "code") (wrap "p" << String.concat "")

Probably there isn’t much to say here. The escape function correctly escapes HTML characters. As I always need to wrap string into tags I just created a wrap function that I can pass a tag and a string that does that. But I need a version that escapes the string, and one that doesn’t. The last one is important for a recursive case. Because we don’t want to escape the HTML tags itself. The arguments of the wrap and wrapEscape function are chosen in a way so I can use currying, so I don’t need to create a lot of lambda expressions.

let document =
    Block [
        Literal "Hello"; Bold "World!"; NewLine
        Literal "InlineCode of"; InlineCode "let sum x y = x + y"; NewLine
        Block [
            Literal "This is the end with some <html>that should be escaped</html>"

produceHtml document
// "<p>Hello<strong>World!</strong><br/>InlineCode of<code>let sum x y = x + y</code><br/>
//  <p>This is the end with some &lt;html&gt;that should be escaped&lt;/html&gt;</p></p>"


We have seen how to create a cata function, and we learned that foldBack is just cata written tail-recursive. For the fold implementation of the tree, i choosed another way to create a tail-recursive function that manages the stack directly.

In benchmarking we also saw that the last way is also quite better in terms of speed and garbage collection compared to a continuation approach. With a mutable stack we can even further eliminate garbage collection cleanup.

But overall we have seen that cata is very fast and it doesn’t mean that tail-recursion is automatically better or faster.

Further Reading