In From mutable loops to immutable folds we implemented foldBack through rev and fold. In this post I show you how you can implement foldBack by using a continuation function.


Before we see how to implement foldBack, I want to give you analogy first. This analogy helped me in a lot of cases. I hope that this analogy will also help you in better understanding the further post, or probably even in other areas in programming in general.

Back to the Future

One idea how you can view functions is, that you can do stuff now, with things you not have yet, but you know you will get them in the future. Sounds weird? Let’s go over an example that you probably already know. Function composition.

Usually most definitions of a function that does function composition have three arguments. But let’s write it with only two arguments. You are given the task to write a function that has two functions as the input, and now you should compose them. How do you do that?

Usually you start with something like

let compose f g =

But what comes next? Your task is to execute f and pass the result to g. But how do you execute f if you don’t a value to execute f? The answer is, you create a function inside compose. This function gets the value to execute f sometime in the future.

let compose f g =
    let innerFunction x =
        let result = f x
        g result

But what do you now do with innerFunction? We still don’t have a value to execute innerFunction. Yes, that’s right, because of this, your only option is to return innerFunction from our compose function.

let compose f g =
    let innerFunction x =
        let result = f x
        g result

This is exactly what >> does. It is only the fully expanded version of it. If you want to shorten it. As you create a inner function and just return it. You also can just create a lambda directly and return it.

let compose f g = fun x ->
    g (f x)

And because we have Currying and all functions are anyway just functions that returns function, you just can add x as a function argument.

let compose f g x =
    g (f x)

It seems that i only explained function composition but the analogy I explained fits more nicely into a lot more use-cases. It doesn’t mean you only can execute some kind of functions with a value. In general it means you already can work with a value you don’t have yet! For example, you also could write a function that first does something with x and then pass the result to it to f.

In general the analogy means. Whenever you need to somehow work with a value you don’t have yet. You just create a function. So you already can work with the value as if you had it. And you can do whatever you want with it. But then instead of returning a result you return a function instead. So you expect that someone else in the future gives you a value that starts your execution.

The general idea is. You already can compose behaviour or functions together without directly executing anything. You first compose everything, and you delay the execution as far as possible to the future.

Rethinking the problem

With that idea in-place. Let’s look again at foldBack and if we somehow can rethink that problem. Let’s first focus on the behaviour of foldBack and how it should work logically.

let f x     = x * x
let squared = List.foldBack (fun x acc -> f x :: acc) [1;2;3;4] []

The general logic is that we traverse a list backwards. Instead of starting with the initial accumulator and fetching 1 from the last, we start by fetching 4 from the end. Then 3, 2 and last but not least 1. The general logic how foldBack works is like that.

 list      | acc        | x | (f x) :: acc
 [1;2;3;4] | []         | 4 | [16]
   [1;2;3] | [16]       | 3 | [9;16]
     [1;2] | [9;16]     | 2 | [4;9;16]
       [1] | [4;9;16]   | 1 | [1;4;9;16]
        [] | [1;4;9;16] | return -> [1;4;9;16]

At this point let’s focus on our f function that we pass foldBack. The f function get the argument x and acc. What does those values represents at any point in time exactly?

As we basically just loop over a data-structure with foldBack it just means x is just one element from our list. The interesting thing is what acc contains. acc contains the accumulation of everything right from our current element. To be more concrete, let’s say we reached element 2.

Then x contains 2, but acc at this point in time contains [9;16]. It contains the result of our accumulation that was right of 2. Let’s assume we have.

List.foldBack (fun x acc -> x + acc) [1;2;3;4] 0

In that case when we reach 2 our x is once again 2 but our acc contains 7, because so far it calculated 0 + 4 + 3.

The only problem we have. We cannot go backwards through a list. That was the whole reason why we reversed the list before we looped/recurs through it. We only can go from left to right. And that is bad. Because we have to start with 1 and we need to pass an acc to the f function that we don’t have at that point in time!

Uhm wait! Isn’t that exactly what we discussed previously? What do we do if we expect to work with a value that we don’t have yet? We create a function!

Functions as accumulator

The basic idea to solve our problem is by using a function that we use as our accumulator. We use a function because we need to work with values we don’t have yet. Because we have a function I use cont (for Continuation) in our inner loop instead of acc. Let’s first write the basic template to loop through a list first.

let foldBack f list (acc:'State) =
    let rec loop cont list =
        match list with
        | []      -> ???
        | x::list ->
            let newCont = ???
            loop newCont list
    loop ??? list

So the question we have are.

  1. What do we do for every element?
  2. What do we do after we looped through our list?
  3. With what kind of value do we start our loop?

What do we do for every element?

At first, we reconsider what we are supposed to do. Our task is to execute the folder function that the caller provided us as f. We pass this function the current value and the right-accumulator. At this point in time we have the current value inside of x, but we don’t have the right-accumulator. What we now do, we just create a inner function newCont that at some point in the future will get the right-accumulator, then we also can call the f function.

let newCont racc =
    f x racc

But is that right? Let’s think what would happen. In our first recursion we get 1 from [1;2;3;4] and save it in x. We then create a function that basically does.

let newCont racc =
    f 1 racc

We pass that function as cont to the next iteration. In the next recursion we extract 2 from the remaining list [2;3;4], now we create a new newCont that basically does.

let newCont racc =
    f 2 racc

Then this new function is used as our cont. But this behaviour is wrong. We loop through our list and on every step we just create a new function that will replace the old function. The problem is, we cannot just throw the old cont away, we somehow have to use it. But how?

Let’s look at our f 2 racc call. What does that function return when we call it? Or better yet, which values do we have here exactly? Our racc is the right-accumulator that we have in the future, in our example this will be [9;16]. When we call f 2 racc we actually call f 2 [9;16]. What does our f function in our example? It squares x and add it to the racc. So after we do f 2 [9;16] we will get [4;9;16] as a result.

But wait! Isn’t that the right-accumulator that our previous cont needed? Yes, it is! And now it becomes more obvious in how we need to use cont. We call f x racc, this then produces a value that can be used to call our previous function that we passed as cont.

let newCont racc =
    let res = f x racc
    cont res

If that sound hard to follow. Just remember function composition again. What we have hear is just this idea! In function composition we call a function f with a value we don’t have yet, that will produce a value that can be passed to g.

let compose f g = fun x ->
    let res = f x
    g res

Here we have the same. The only difference is that this time cont is a function we created inside a function in a previous loop. Let’s shorten the example a little bit. In function composition we just ended with let compose f g x = g (f x). We now shorten our call to:

let newCont racc = cont (f x racc)

Our f function takes two arguments, but otherwise it is the same idea. The whole loop-body part in our example now looks like this:

| x::list ->
    let newCont racc = cont (f x racc)
    loop newCont list

But we are not done yet, we still have to fill out two missing parts.

What do we do after we looped through the list?

One remaining part is the logic we have to do once we finished our looping. Let’s actually try to understand what we exactly build. In every step we create a new function that expects the right-accumulator with this and the current x we calculate the right-accumulator for the previous function. In our first loop we create.

let cont1 racc = initCont (f 1 racc)

In our second loop we basically do:

let cont2 racc = cont1 (f 2 racc)

Remember, we create a new function, but we call the previously cont. I used cont1 to make the relation more clear. Technically every new step now creates a new cont function that calls the previous cont function. If we expand it fully we basically have.

let cont1 racc = initCont (f 1 racc)
let cont2 racc = cont1    (f 2 racc)
let cont3 racc = cont2    (f 3 racc)
let cont4 racc = cont3    (f 4 racc)

Every new function that we create contains the previous function as a closure. Actually let’s inline the whole functions step-by-step. First we inline cont1 in our cont2 function, and so on.

let cont2 racc = initCont (f 1 (f 2 racc))

then we inline cont2 into cont3

let cont3 racc = initCont (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 racc)))

finally cont3 into cont4

let cont4 racc = initCont (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 racc))))

As we can see. With every loop iteration that we go forward, we build up a function. Every new function we create builds the right-accumulator that is needed for the previous-step. Once we looped through our whole data-structure, we ended up with a final function. The only thing we need to do, is to start our function by passing it the final right-accumulator.

And at this point we have the final right-accumulator! At the end we have to pass the right-accumulator of our last element. We only have the list [1;2;3;4] so what is the right-accumulator of the last element 4? The initial-accumulator that the user passed to foldBack!

So here is our answer. Once we reached the end of our list we have a function and we need to pass it the initial-accumulator. Our empty-list case now looks something like that:

| [] -> cont acc

With what kind of value do we start our loop?

The last remaining part is how we start our loop. Or put in other words. What do we provide as our initCont value? To understand this part better, let’s assume we started our loop. We already saw what kind of structure we build. In the end we just had

let cont4 racc = initCont (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 racc))))

Once we reach the end of our data-structure in our example we provided the empty list [] as the starting right accumulator. So we basically have.

let cont4 = initCont (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 (f 4 []))))

At this point, now our function starts its execution. First f 4 [] is calculated and this will return [16]

let cont4 = initCont (f 1 (f 2 (f 3 [16])))

Now f 3 [16] executes and we get

let cont4 = initCont (f 1 (f 2 [9;16]))

Now it is f 2 [9;16] turn

let cont4 = initCont (f 1 [4;9;16])

And finally we have

let cont4 = initCont [1;4;9;16]

Now initCont also must be a function. But what do we expect it to do? Well nothing! We just expect it to return it’s input as-is. In other words. Our starting function is id. So we start our loop with loop id list.

All pieces together

Now let’s put all pieces together, our final foldBack function now looks like this.

let foldBack f list (acc:'State) =
    let rec loop cont list =
        match list with
        | []      -> cont acc
        | x::list ->
            let newCont racc = cont (f x racc)
            loop newCont list
    loop id list

foldBack (fun x acc -> (x*x) :: acc) [1;2;3;4] []
// [1; 4; 9; 16]

foldBack (fun x acc -> x + acc) [1..10] 0
// 55

foldBack (fun x acc -> (string x) + acc) [1..10] ""
// "1234568910"


Continuation functions in general are powerful and we can do a lot with them, solving foldBack without reversing a list first is just one example. But in this case i have to admit that understanding it is quite hard. It has nothing to do that Continuation functions are itself hard to understand, the problem why it is so hard is because we cannot traverse a list backwards. Using a continuation function is just one possible way to solve the problem. I think it is in general worth to know and understand this solution.

In general I also hope that the analogy that functions just works on a future value helps. At least for me this analogy was quite helpful in a lot of cases in the past.

One question remains. Which solution of foldBack should we prefer, and which is better? Well, at first how do you measure “better”? Is it memory-consumption? CPU-time? Understanding code?

If you really care for performance you should benchmark. But make sure to test small, medium and big input lists. In the previous foldBack version it doesn’t seem that reversing a list is the best option, as you have to go through a list twice and create a new intermediate list.

But using this kind of continuation style isn’t quite better. We basically still traverse a list twice. We build first a continuation function, and in the end, we have to execute it that touches every element again. A continuation function can result in higher memory consumption and could be slower, reversing in the end can be faster and easier to understand. But if you really care, then do benchmarks on your own.

But I think we should focus more on readability. Reversing is just quite easier, so try to use the obvious solution first if you design things.

But at this point I also want to mention mutability. In functional programming in general we don’t care how a function works. Functions are black-boxes. We only care for the input and the output of a function. It doesn’t matter how it works, as long we have a pure function and it expect and returns immutable-data everything is fine. Even if a function uses loops, mutation or other kind of stuff. This is absolutely fine!

Controlled or limited mutation inside a function is absolutely okay. As long as that function is pure and only takes and returns immutable-data. That doesn’t mean everything i said is useless.

It just explains the overall concept that is in general good to know and is useable in different scenarios.