Recently I worked with Raylib a graphics library for doing/learning game development. When I created multiple small demos there was one thing I wanted todo across multiple projects. I wanted to drag game objects on the screen. I already solved that problem once so now I just needed to create a general function that allowed me to drag any kind of object, instead of writing a specific solution again and again.

As always there are multiple ways on how to solve that. So first i give you an overview on how draging in a game actually works.

  1. Usually we only can drag a single object (or a selection of objects) at once, because of this the State of what is currently draged is usually hold in a state (global) variable. We need this State because the Drag State must be processed from frame to frame.

  2. When the Left Mouse Button is Pressed, we actually need to get the mouse Position and check if the position where we clicked is inside of any drageable object. If it is, we save it in the drag state.

  3. Every dragable object actually needs some kind of collider we need to check against. Usually simple shapes like Rectangle and Spheres are good enough, but it also could be any kind of polygon.

  4. When the mouse Button is released, we actually need to End the Drag State. Usually also during draging we actually want to manipulate our drageable objects. For example update the Position (otherwise we wouldn’t drag anything).

So, how do we get a generic solution that works with any kind of object?

Solution with an interface

The typical approach that is done in object-orientation would probably be to think of it as a behaviour. So we come up with the idea of an IDrageable interface.

Everything that implements this interface can be draged. But what needs to be implemented? From the description above the only thing we actually need is some kind of get a collider for something that is drageable. Maybe we also need a Position that we are able to change? I let you think about it.

So first I could create an interface. In F# creating such an interface would look like this.

type IDrageable =
    abstract member GetCollider: unit -> Collider

All this interface describes is that every object that inherits from this interface must implement a GetCollider() method that returns a Collider.

With such an interface we could now write a function with this signature.

let processDrag currentState (drageables:IDrageable list) mouseInfo =

The idea is simple. We pass it the currentState of what is currently draged, or not draged. Then a bunch of drageables objects that can be draged, at last a mouseInfo that contains the current information about the mouse like which button is pressed/released and the mouse Position.

Now all what we have todo is go through each IDrageable object, usually we than somewhere call let collider = drageable.GetCollider() to get the collider of the drageable object. We check the currentState and the mouseState and must determine if something starts draging, if something is already draged and so on.

Code can be a little bit exhaustive, but otherwise the logic behind it is very easy solveable.

While I could solve it with an interface, this isn’t how I solved it. Instead I solved it with a more functional approach. So how does the functional approach differ?

The functional approach

So in a functional approach I don’t use interfaces, still I want everything to be able to be draged. I could start with the function signature above, and without the interface it just looks like this.

let processDrag currentState (drageables:'a list) mouseInfo =

Now it expects a generic list of things. It can be of any type 'a but all of them must be the same type. The problem with this definition is that we cannot solve our problem of getting a collider. We actually need some way to say that not every kind of object is allowed. Only those, we can have a collider for.

That’s why in the object-oriented way we create an interface and than just write.

let collider = obj.GetCollider()

but wouldn’t it be cool if we just could write

let collider = getCollider obj

in the functional approach? Well, we actually can exactly do that! But we need to change one thing for this to work. The problem is that we don’t know which getCollider function should be called, it completely depends on the obj. So what we expect is that whoever calls the function processDrag must also pass the correct getCollider function as an argument. Now the signature looks like this.

let processDrag currentState (drageables:'a list) (getCollider: 'a -> Collider) mouseInfo =

As you can see, working without interfaces isn’t so much of a difference, it’s just a little bit different. But maybe you ask why you ever should do the functional approach? So here are some advantages and thoughts on why you better want the functional approach instead of the interface solution.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The interface approach

Let’s start with the interface. One advantage of using the interface approach over the functional approach is that you need one argument less when calling the function. We just could provide IDrageable. But what would happen if our IDrageable would contain more than just one-method definition?

Then in the functional approach we have to pass one extra argument for every method definition in the interface.

The next thing is an advantage and disadvnatage at the same time. We have to tag all our objects with IDrageable. Here is one thing I dislike at many static-typed object-oriented language. An interface is only implemented if that silly IDrageable is added, but every object must explicitly add that interface. So even if you have an object that implements an GetCollider method with the correct function signature, you cannot use it until you add IDrageable to it. In that sense I think the language Go made it right with their interfaces as otherwise being a horrible language. But actually this is one of the reasons why in my opinion object-orientation should be dynamic-typed.

So adding the interface can be an advantage, now you can see which game objects can be draged, and which not. And somehow it makes sense if every object knows best how the Collider for draging must be created? Or maybe not?

It also can be an disadvantage. Let’s assume you get a Car object and you want to be able to drag it. But whoever implemented Car doesn’t want to add your IDrageable interface. Then you just have a problem.

Okay, there are workarounds like creating an Adapter and so on, but that doesn’t turn it into an advantage.

So the general problem of interfaces (at least in most languages) are that the definition of a data-type, and its implementation of an interface are not separated, but they should be. As far as I know that is what Rust Traits does.

The functional approach

Too many arguments

So let’s start with the disadvantage. For every method in an interface we need to add one extra argument. When there is only one method in an interface we only need to add one argument. In the case for 1-5 it is maybe acceptable. I guess it depends on who you ask. I think already up to three becomes a little bit clumsy, but would be okay.

But there is a functional solution to that problem very similar to an interface. We create records containing functions.

type Drageable = {
    GetCollider: unit -> Collider
    Method1: X -> Y

Now we can create a data-structure containing multiple functions. In some sense this approach is similar to object-orientation you see in C or JavaScript. They create data-structures and the data-structure itself contains a pointer to a function.

You can easily add as many functions to it as you wish, at some point there is no big difference to an interface definition. In F# land people usually discourage this kind of usage and they tell you to use interfaces instead. I absolutely disagree to that. But more to this later.

With this kind of approach you always can keep the extra argument to exactly one if needed.

Types don’t know about Drageable

Let’s get back to the Car example. You get a Car object and want it to be dragged. With the functional approach you can make any kind of object compatible with your function, you just need to provide a getCollider function.

You don’t need to add an interface to Car, write another new wrapper class around Car, you maybe can just provide an inline implementation of getting a Collider just with a lambda function.

As an example, testing my Spatial Tree implementation I wanted to be able to Drag every point on the Screen. A Point is defined like this.

type Point = {
    mutable Pos: Vector2
    Radius: float32

the code to Drag every point looked like this.

drag <- processDrag drag points (fun p -> Circle (p.Pos,p.Radius)) mouse

Here you can see that i just pass the Lambda (fun p -> Circle (p.Pos,p.Radius)) to create a Circle Collider for every point.

Behaviour not Names

You know what sometimes is the worst in interfaces? Its requirements on establishing Names as a convention. You know, I am not interested in if a method is named GetCollider(), Collider(), RectCollider() or whatever name someone comes up with. Maybe a data-type even has multiple Collider to choose from?

The only thing I am interested, from the perspective of implementing processDrag, is that I somehow get a Collider, how that collider is exactly computed or which method I need to call is not my business.

That’s why I am expecting it to be passed as an argument. The advantage is also seen in the Point example above. I can make Point Drageable without that Point knows anything about draging. In fact, it doesn’t even know anything about a Collider, but I can create one if needed. In object-orientation land this is also called loose-coupling. Something OOP people are crazy about, because they don’t know how to achieve it.

So one advantage is that the functional approach doesn’t need to apply to some kind of naming-convention. You can make things work independently on how methods are named.

Assume you have a class that implements IXML, IJSon, IStorable, IDrawable, IMoveable, ICollision and maybe 10 more interfaces. Then your class must know about serializing to XML, JSON, have some general idea to store itself, needs to know how to draw itself (as an Image?, OpengL?), needs method so it can be moved and have information about Collider, so basically knows a little bit about physics. Sure with such an approach you are far away of having something looseliy coupled. You achive looseliy copling with an Anemic Domain Model

Naming Collisions

In the interface example above I said that somehow it makes sense that each object knows best how to create a collider. Now I say the opposite, it doesn’t.

You know dragging itself is not something that each object itself is aware of, it is a feature of whatever you (the game) needs todo with it. In some games it maybe makes sense to be able to drag cars, because you are building a strategy top-down game that is about managing stolen cars, or something like that. In a racing game it probably doesn’t make sense at all.

That’s also why something like GetCollider doesn’t make sense. Or maybe a Car already has a GetCollider()? I mean, how would a car otherwise have collision detection in a racing game without having some idea of collider?

The problem here is that the same name can refer to different kind of behavior or ideas. The GetCollider() that will be returned will probably be a very accurate one. Some kind of complex concave mesh so collision detection is very accurate. The problem is that this kind of collider can be bad for mouse draging from a top-down perspective.

Or maybe should we have named our method in the interface GetColliderSuitableFor2DScreenCollision()?

For Draging you usually want just some kind of box around an object, not a pixel perfect collision system. With the functional approach you don’t run into this problem, as you are the one when calling processDrag that tells which Collider should be choosen. Or maybe you even create a box Collider out of a Car because a Car doesn’t provide a useful one by default? It’s up to you and your needs in whatever you are creating.

It doesn’t make any sense that a Car itself should know what the best collider should be to be drageable.

Switchable behavior

That also leads to the next thing. For example I could add the interface implementation to the Point like this.

type Point = {
    mutable Pos: Vector2
    Radius: float32
    interface IDrageble with
        member self.GetCollider() =
            Circle (self.Pos,self.Radius)

it has some quirks adding it to a Record, maybe a class would be better in F#. Because F# has no implicit casting we actually need to explicitly cast it to IDrageable when a function needs IDrageable, but this shouldn’t be the point of this article. Let’s assume we could pass this record to an IDrageable (or use a class instead), then this solutions is still less flexible.

Now again, the type itself is under control of creating the collider, but why should the type know what the best collider actually is?

Let’s assume I have very little points. Maybe most points just have a radius of just very small pixels. Wouldn’t it be annoying to try to drag 3 pixels points on the screen?

Again, and I guess I am saying it for the third time. A type shouldn’t know how to be draged. Maybe I want to ensure when I create the collider that the collider have at least a minimum size?

Maybe that minimum-size depends on the Camera-Zoom level of the game? Could be, as this seems absolutely reasonable. But I certainly don’t want Point now about the Camera-Zoom Level. You remember the idea of loose coupling? With the functional approach this all can be solved.

One big advantage is that during runtime I can easily switch the behaviour of different collision detection systems. For example I could have a colliderType variable that picks which collider generating version i should pick.

let getCollider =
    match colliderType with
    | Small  -> (fun p -> Circle (p.Pos, p.Radius)
    | Medium -> (fun p -> Circle (p.Pos, p.Radius + 10f) // increase radius by 10px
    | Large  -> (fun p -> Circle (p.Pos, p.Radius + 50f) // increase radius by 50px

drag <- processDrag drag points getCollider mouse

How would you do that with interfaces? Because then you actually need to implement the same interface three times with three different implementations. Usually most languages just allow you to provide one implementation for one interface. (You could achieve that with three Adapter classes implementing it)

Multiple implementations

The idee of multiple implementations is also the reason why I prefer records with functions instead of interfaces. You absolutely can achieve the same with an interface. You first write your interface definition.

For example you create IDrageable with three methods on it. Let’s say you want to provide three different IDrageable implementations. Then you create three classes all implementing IDrageable let’s say SmallDrageable, MediumDrageable and LargeDrageable.

Now, those classes itself are pretty useless and you need to create an object of them. So maybe in your code you do.

let small  = new SmallDrageable()
let medium = new MediumDrageable()
let large  = new LargeDrageable()

those classes are a little bit different. Instead of containing other state variables you use them like this.

let collider = small.getCollider(obj)

and if that now looks familiar to you. It’s basically the same as the first functional approach by just accepting a getCollider function as an argument. But instead of passing a single function, you pass an object containing multiple functions at once. But you also could use this approach with a single function, because functions are interfaces.

But the problem of this approach is that it basically never makes sense to ever have more than one object of SmallDrageable and so on.

On the other hand with Records this feels a lot more natural. You can define a single record that holds your definition (like an interface) and you would create three different records of the same type, instead of three different classes again.

let small  = { GetCollider = ... }
let medium = { GetCollider = ... }
let large  = { GetCollider = ... }

because they are basically three objects on its own I also could create a new record out of an existing one. Let’s say I want to re-use large but only change one method of it. Easy.

let newWhatever = {
    large with
       Method1 = ... // New implementation just for Method1

Those objects can be created once, and that’s it. How would you create a new version out of Large with just one method changed?

I guess maybe a new class and copy & paste all functions that don’t change?

And no, don’t tell me with inheritance. So Large inherits from Medium, Medium inherits from Small and Small inherits from a Base class. The Method1 implementations of Small changes, now quickly tell me, does it affect Large?

Only what you need

One of the biggest problem of an interface approach is to what it leads after some time. It can go into two directions. Either you have hundreds of small interfaces that all implement one method or maybe two.

Well if that is the case you directly can jump to the functional approach, because then you have achieved a functional approach with lots of interfaces given every signature just its own name.

Or maybe you are annoyed with hundreds of small interfaces and implementing them and tagging all your objects with all kinds of interfaces. Then you go to the typical OO approach that emerges after some time. With big interfaces that just do too much.

I mean you have one interface that defines a Position and a Collider and another interface defining a Position and a Rotation, in some other cases you need a Rotation and a Position and so on. The chance that you create hundreds of interfaces with all kinds permutation are in my opinion nearly zero.

It is annoying to create interfaces and has a little bit of a burden, so you likely stick to just add one method to an interface that fells okay. But in the functional approach its actually more easy to just add one or two single functions as arguments, so you very likely do this.

What you likely do is maybe you have a ITransform (usually you also only have a single implementation) and maybe you add a Collider to that definition, because you are annoyed to create another new interface and it is so pleasent and easy to just add it to ITransform. And whenever you need acces to the Collider you anyway need acces to the Position. But this neglects the idea that not everything that has a Transform actually needs a Collider. Maybe you don’t do that, who knows, the point is more that the typical interfaces approach leads to such a design because it is easier this way.

So in the end you maybe end up with just very few interfaces in your code, but all interfaces contain like 20 methods. And because they contain so much methods you very likely only have one implementation of each of them, what makes interfaces in itself more or less useless.

But you know, when you pick up the functional approach you always start with only what you need. You have a collection of 'a. And if you just need the ability to get a collider from 'a then this is also the only function you expect to be passed as an argument. You don’t expect to pass some kind of interface that maybe has ten different methods on it you maybe never need.

And if it gets annoying that you add more and more function to be passed as arguments then I think it is even something good.

It maybe let’s you think about picking another solution. Creating some kind of intermediate data-structure and so on. It actually needs some brain power to solve a problem and let’s you think deeply about how to solve it, instead of just being able to add just one extra method to any crappy interface because it is just easy and convenient.

As an example, let’s say you have something of type 'a and now in some general function you need information about three properties of any object.

  1. Position
  2. Color
  3. Collider

then you could expect three functions like getPosition, getColor and getCollider to be passed as arguments to a function. But you also could create an intermediate data-structure just for this.

type InfoNeeded = {
    Position: Vector2
    Color:    Color
    Collider: Collider

and then expect a function of type 'a -> InfoNeeded that just returns all information you need at once. Then you use it like this.

let whatever (xs:'a list) (getInfo:'a -> InfoNeeded) =
    for x in xs do
        let info = getInfo x
        printfn "Position is %A" info.Position

Here is another idea you can think about. Can we get away with the xs argument?

How about changing it to just?

let whatever (infos:InfoNeeded list) =
    for info in infos do
        printfn "Position is %A" info.Position

When does this approach work, and when does it not work?

Further Reading