Function application is probably one of those terms in functional programming that sounds more scarier as the topic really is. The idea behind functional application just means that we execute a function to get the result. Let’s take the example of calculating the square root of 2.0. We can write the following in F# to do that:

let x = sqrt 2.0

The interesting part is how we read this example. We read it from right-to-left. 2.0 is the input to sqrt, sqrt returns the value 1.41 this is then stored in x.

sqrt example that shows how we read a function from right-to-left

Usually we just say that we execute or run the sqrt function. But in functional programming the correct term is that we apply the value 2.0 to the function sqrt. Probably you will ask how I can write a whole article about this topic, but there are some topics associated with it.

Partial Application

Partial application is one of those topics. If we pass all arguments to a function we name it function application. But if we only pass some arguments to a function we name it partial application.

In some programming languages it is an error if we don’t pass all arguments to a function, but in some functional languages, including F#, this is an explicit feature. The result of partial application is a new function that accepts/waits for the remaining arguments. For example: If we have a function add that expects two integers:

let add x y = x + y

But we only pass one argument to that function:

let add1 = add 1

Then partial application returns a new functions that expects the remaining argument. In the above case we could say that we baked in 1 as x and add1 expects the remaining argument y.

add1 1  // 2
add1 10 // 11


Another big topic in functional programming is immutability. Immutability is a fairly easy concept. It just means data cannot be changed after creation. If you are new to functional programming or in general to this concept, this sound a little bit strange. How can we do anything useful if we cannot change anything?

The answer is simple. Instead of changing any kind of data, we just generate new data. Probably you wonder how this concept is associated with function application. While immutability has no direct effect on function application, it changes the way how we think about functions. With immutability in-place every functions must return a new value.

Let’s look at some example code to understand why this kind of idea is important. Besides sqrt we first create two new functions:

let square x = pown x 2
let add10 x = x + 10.0

We now create a new function that first calculates the square root of a number, add 10 to the result of it, and finally squares the result. That function is pretty artificial so we just name it blub:

let blub x =
    let a = sqrt x
    let b = add10 a
    let c = square b

blub 2.0 // 130.28

The above code I wrote probably resembles the way how you write functions in a non-functional language that also don’t use immutability. But in this case every function returns a new value and this style is a little bit verbose. But first lets look how we read this code:

visualization how we read the blub function

I don’t know you, but I think reading it is pretty horrible. The amount of jumping around is quite high. If you don’t think it is horrible then it just shows how much you are used to this kind of writing. But lets examine the example a little bit further.

If you look at the visualization we can see some kind of pattern. We actually can see two properties:

  1. Every value is only used once.
  2. The input of the next function is the output of the previous function.

The first property allows us to just embed or nest the function calls. There is no reason why we store the result of a function explicitly in a variable if we anyway just use the result once. We just can nest the code:

let blub x =
    let b = add10 (sqrt x)
    let c = square b

We can repeat this step again. Also b is only used once, so we nest b again.

let blub x =
    let c = square (add10 (sqrt x))

we also don’t need c:

let blub x = square (add10 (sqrt x))

The final result is quite a lot shorter, but how do we read this code?

visualization how we read the nested blub function

The final result resembles a normal function call. We just can read it straight from right to left. Every function call returns a new result that is directly used as the input of another function. With nesting we have once again a simple chain of execution. No jumping around anymore to understand the code.

Piping with |>

Up so far I only discussed the first property that a variable was only used once. But we also had another property that the output of one function is the input of the next function. We also could say, we have a chain of execution. The last visualization already showed that chain as you could start on the right side and read the code to the left until you are done.

But we also can reverse that chain so we can read it from left-to-right. We achieve that style with the |> operator. The |> operator allows us to write the input of a function on the left side and the function to execute on the right side.

Example of a single function with piping

With this idea we can reverse the input step by step like this:

blub function with piping

The advantage is that |> is left-associative and has low precedence. In overall that means when we see code like this:

(.....) |> function

we can remove the parenthesis from the left-side of |> so we just end up with:

..... |> function

This means the last version:

let blub x = ((x |> sqrt) |> add10) |> square

also can be written without any parenthesis:

let blub x = x |> sqrt |> add10 |> square

This kind of style is often preferred in the F# community and can be read from left-to-right.

Shows that blub can be read from left-to-right

You often see this style in List manipulations:

[1.0; 3.0; 5.0; 7.0; 11.0; 13.0]
|> sqrt
|> add10
|> square
// [121.0; 137.64; 149.72; 159.91; 177.33; 185.11]

We start with the data, and every new command is put on a new line. This way we easily can create longer chains that are still readable and extensible.

Never use <|

We can summarize |> as an operator that swaps the function and the input of a function. Usually the input is on the right and the function on the left, and we say we read it from right-to-left.

With |> we swap the function and the input. The input is now on the left, and we read the code from left to right. That’s why I name it just left-piping.

F# also provides another operator <|. Before we look into what it really does, the question is: What do you expect it should do?

Lets think about it. |> allows us to have the input on the left side of the function. We can think of it that we pipe the input from left into the function on the right. So when we see <| we just expect the opposite. We could say, the input on the right is piped to the function on the left side. This opens up a new question: What is the difference between <| and normal function application?

So let us explore <| step-by-step, and to understand why you never ever should use this operator. We start with a simple case:

sqrt 2.0

We can insert <| in this term. But <| does not change the order of anything, we still write the input on the right side. So we end up with:

sqrt <| 2.0

Seems pretty useless at this point. But if you remember, one advantage of |> was that we also could eliminate some parenthesis. So lets create a small example where the input is a more complex term that needs to be calculated:

sqrt (1.0 + 1.0)

At this point it is also helpful to understand what happens if we don’t write the parenthesis. The code above means. First calculate (1.0 + 1.0) and use the result 2.0 as the input to sqrt. When we write:

sqrt 1.0 + 1.0

it basically means:

(sqrt 1.0) + 1.0

that means, first calculate sqrt 1 and then add 1 to the result. If we use <|, we can get rid of the parenthesis and still maintain the same behaviour.

sqrt <| 1.0 + 1.0

Believe me or not, but I don’t see any improvement so far. I have seen a lot of people arguing that the last version is better as the version with parenthesis. I don’t think so. Reading parenthesis and the idea that everything inside of parenthesis is calculated first is something that we already learn in elementary school:

A Math example with parenthesis

Now instead of a clearly visible grouping with characters that human mankind already use for centuries, now you just use two different characters instead. It could be that you have another opinion on this, this is okay, but let’s continue to see more problems of <|.

The problem of <| is, we just think of it as right-piping. We expect that <| is the reverse of |>. With a single function and a single argument, it also seems to work this way. But this breaks as soon we try to extend the code. For example, when we now want to add 10 to the result with our add10 function.

With nesting we just write:

add10 (sqrt (1.0 + 1.0))

with left-piping we write:

1.0 + 1.0 |> sqrt |> add10

with right-piping you probably assume to write something like this:

// This code does not work
add10 <| sqrt <| 1.0 + 1.0

Probably that is what you expect. But this isn’t how <| works! In fact, the above code will just give you a compile-time error. Because of this, piping with <| is just an exceptional bad idea. If you see code like this:

let blub x = x |> sqrt |> add10 |> square

you would probably assume that <| just reverse the pipe:

// This code does not work
let blub x = square <| add10 <| sqrt <| x

but this isn’t at all how it works. So how does <| work instead? Probably at this point it makes sense to add explicit parenthesis to understand how it works. And if you think <| is better because of the elimination of parenthesis. Isn’t it funny that I need to add parenthesis so you are able to understand how <| actually works?

We actually expect that <| works in this way.

let blub x = square <| (add10 <| (sqrt <| x))

The above code is valid and will compile. But it is no improvement over:

let blub x = square (add10 (sqrt x))

But when we remove the explicit parenthesis in the first example. The code is interpreted like this:

let blub x = ((square <| add10) <| sqrt) <| x

And this is a truly exceptional bad idea. The problem of <| is that it is still left-associative. That means, the thing on the left side is executed first. In the above case it means. First square is executed and we pass it add10 a function as the first argument to square. This is a compile-time error because square expects a float, not a function.

But if we still continue to interpret this code, and ignore this error, we then expect that square <| add10 returns a new function as a result. We then execute that function by passing sqrt as an argument. Well, square does not return a function, so this also cannot work.

And if we still ignore this error, we once again assume that this will return another new function as a result that we then finally pass x as a value.

Already confused? And that’s why <| is just an exceptional bad idea, and you never ever should use <|. <| is just broken, it isn’t at all how someone thinks it works or should work.

At least let me give you a quick example that shows how <| works and in which situation it would theoretically make sense. First you need a function that expects at least two arguments:

let add x y z = x + y + z

Now imagine all arguments are some more complex terms that you compute, usually you have to put parenthesis around every term to group them:

add (1 + 1) (2 + 2) (3 + 3)

This is just a function call with three arguments. But every arguments is calculated before add is called. In such a case, you could use <| instead of parenthesis:

add <| 1 + 1 <| 2 + 2 <| 3 + 3

The whole example is read like this:

How you read right-piping

Overall <| is just another delimiter that you could use instead of parenthesis. But this kind of behaviour is not really how you would expect it to work. As left-piping with |> is used a lot, you would think <| just does the reverse. So in general right-piping only adds more confusion and it is better to not use it at all.

If it is unclear why `<|` works in this way. Lets add the parenthesis back in the last example.
((add <| 1 + 1) <| 2 + 2) <| 3 + 3

The first thing that is executed is (add <| 1 + 1). This means first 1 + 1 is calculated and the result 2 is passed to the add function as the first argument. But the parenthesis around this term end this term. So what do we really do? We basically partial apply add with a single argument. This then returns a new anonymous function that expects the remaining arguments y and z of add.

Then 2 + 2 is calculated and this is once again partial applied to that anonymous function. This then returns another new anonymous function that expects the last argument z. And to this function we finally apply 3 + 3 to it what then executes everything.

Nesting again

Writing code in a piping style with left-piping is probably the most common and most used way you see in F#. Its not that this is in general a bad idea, but it can be bad if people try to solve everything this way. It is important to understand when it is a good idea and when not.

Piping is only a good idea if:

  1. The last argument of a function is a more complex computation
  2. A function only has a single argument that is the result of another function
  3. You need to chain multiple of those functions in one explicit order

To understand those restriction better, let’s talk about the List module. Why can we usually chain most of the List functions? For example we can create something like this:

|> List.filter (fun x -> x % 2 = 0)   // [2; 4; 6; 8; ...]
|> (fun x -> x * 2)          // [4; 8; 12, 16; ...]
|> List.fold (fun acc x -> acc + x) 0 // 5100

The first reason is the order of the arguments. All of those functions expects the list as the last argument:

List.filter predicate list mapper list
List.fold folder state list

But even if we switch the order of the arguments we always can use piping, but it probably isn’t more readable anymore. If we for example assume the functions first expects a list and then the mapper function, we would write something like this with piping:

(fun x -> x * 2) |> list

Let’s consider we had the same swapping in List.filter

(fun x -> x % 2 = 0) |> List.filter [1..100]

As used the result of List.filter in our first example we would end with something like this if map and filter had swapped arguments:

(fun x -> x * 2) |> ((fun x -> x % 2 = 0) |> List.filter [1..100])

But this kind of code is not readable or understandable at all. So a good choice for the last argument is usually some kind of immutable data-type. But that is not everything. In List.fold we have two immutable data-types. The state and the list. So why is list the better choice? Because a list is very likely the result of a more complex computation. The state is almost always just a plain direct value like 0 or an empty list and so on. Very unlikely will you have a complex computation that computes the state.

As a thumb of rule we can say: It is a good idea if the output type of a function and the type of the last argument is the same. Most of the functions from the List module are build that way. Most of those functions return a new list, and most of them also expect a list as the last argument. It is in some sense only natural that if you have dozens of functions that operate, transforms or create list that you want to compose these functions together.

Picking the correct last argument of a function is important, but that is not everything. The problem is, sometimes you don’t have one clear value to put as the last argument, sometimes more than the last value gets computed, and so on. Whether or not piping is a good case also depends on the argument itself. Let’s pick another function to explore this behaviour: List.append

The purpose of List.append is to append two lists together into one list. Whether or not piping is a good choice now depends on the arguments itself. If only one argument is computed, it still works fine with piping.

|> List.filter (fun x -> x % 2 = 0)   // [2; 4; 6; 8; ...]
|> (fun x -> x * 2)          // [4; 8; 12, 16; ...]
|> List.append [100;50]               // [100; 50; 4; 8; 12; ...]

But if both lists are the result of a computation, then nesting is a much better choice.

let add1 x = x + 1.0
let sub1 x = x - 1.0

// Using Nesting
  ( square ( add1 [1.0 .. 5.0]))
  ( square ( sub1 [1.0 .. 5.0]))

// The same as above with partial piping...
[1.0 .. 5.0]
|> sub1
|> square
|> List.append ( square ( add1 [1.0 .. 5.0]))

// ...with even more piping
[1.0 .. 5.0]
|> sub1
|> square
|> List.append ([1.0 .. 5.0] |> add1 |> square)

// ...full piping including the evil <|
[1.0 .. 5.0]
|> add1   // <-- add1 instead of sub1!!!
|> square
|> List.append <| ([1.0 .. 5.0] |> sub1 |> square)

Also notice that in the last version, the parenthesis at the right of <| are still important and the whole order of add1 and sub1 changed!

Do you understand why add1 and sub1 needs to be swapped in the last example? Consider the following function:
let sub x y = x - y

Now look at those three definitions and their results:

sub 5 3       // 2
3 |> sub 5    // 2
3 |> sub <| 5 // -2

In the first and second example 5 is the first argument to sub. It is also the first argument in the second example because function application has a higher precedence as |>. In the last example there is no direct function application anymore and 3 |> sub is executed first and 3 becomes the first argument of sub. With explicit parenthesis, the code is interpreted like this:

sub 5 3         // 2
3 |> (sub 5)    // 2
(3 |> sub) <| 5 // -2

Before we go further lets formalize why this kind of code is so hard to write with piping. We have this problem because we don’t have a single chain of computations anymore. We have two paths of computation that are different. When we call List.append it is just a way to combine those two computations. In other words, our computation resembles a tree.

Shows the computation as a tree

Piping is not a good tool for those kind of trees. Piping is only a good option for computations that works in a linear/sequential way. Nesting on the other hand don’t have this problem. If some argument is a more complex computation we always can surround the term with parenthesis and embed the term where we need it. Look once again at the math example to understand this:

A Math example

If you don’t see the tree in it. First consider that operators like +, - or * are just binary operators that expects two arguments. So a term like 5 + 5 also could be represented as a tree. + is the node with two arguments.

Shows how 5 + 5 can be read as a tree

You can apply this idea to the whole math formula (5 + 5) * (3 + (6 * 2)):

Visualize the math formula as a tree

The only problem we have is to properly write those nesting so it is still readable. It isn’t useful if a line expand further and further. We need to properly format the code so we can better understand it. And there is an easy way to format code with nesting. If things starts to get too long we just can put every argument on a new line and indent it. We already have seen this in the nested List.append example.

List.append example

In fact these kind of formatting works with any kind of tree like structure no matter how complicated it seems. Here you can see a visualization of a tree and how you represent it with indentation.

More complex example of a tree structure

In fact, if you ever have written HTML or XML you should be comfortable with this. Both document formats are tree structures. You have a starting and an end-tag. Inside of a tag you can nest other tags to create hierachical structures. The rules you already use to properly indent and format HTML also can be used to format and indent nested code with parenthesis.

Up so far we have seen two kinds of code. One kind is sequential. With sequential code we can use piping for a better representation. But if we have tree like structures just normal nesting is quite better. The question we should ask is: Should we try to represent anything as a sequence?

The answer is actually, no. Not everything can be written in a linear way. I would even argue that representing things as trees is easier. Trying to fit everything into a piping style just can limit the view in how to solve problems in general. This is best described with an example.

Binary Converter

In our example we want to write a function that can convert any number into a binary string representation. Before we start coding we actually need to know an algorithm that solves our problem.

The algorithm I describe does not only work for converting numbers to binary, we also can convert numbers to other bases like octal, hexadecimal and so on. For demonstrating the algorithm I first show how we convert a number into decimal because it is a lot easier to follow.

In general the algorithm works by removing one digit from a number, convert it into a string and repeat that process for the remaining number. That description also already tell us that we have a recursive algorithm.

The first step is to remove one digit from a number. We achieve this by using the modulo operation. When we calculate x % 10 we always get the right most digit of a number. This is just a single digit between zero and nine. This allows us to create a function that just can convert any digit to its string representation.

For example when we start with the number 225 we calculate 225 % 10 and get 5 out of it. This 5 then can be passed to a function that knows how to transform the numbers zero to nine to a string.

But we are not finished after this step. We only transformed the 5 from 225 into a string. But we still need to transform the remaining digits 22. So we actually need a way to remove 5 from 225.

We achieve that by dividing by the base. First we subtract 5 from 225. So we get 220. Then we divide by ten to get 22. In general dividing or multiplying a number by its base means we can shift the value. Multiplying by the base means we add zeros at the right of a number. Dividing by the base means we remove zeros.

So the step to transform 225 into a string are:

Shows the steps to transform 255 into a decimal string

As you can see. Every modulo operation returns the right most digit of a number. By subtracting that digit and dividing by 10. We get a new number. We just repeat that process until we end up at zero.

As said at the beginning. This algorithm works for any base. If we want to convert a number into a binary representation we just do modulo 2 and divide by 2.

Shows the steps to transform 255 into a binary string

If we concatenate the modulo operation we get “1110 0001” as the result. So, how do we transform this algorithm into code? We could write the whole computations directly. But it is usually easier to decompose the problem into smaller parts, or functions in our case. So lets split the various steps into functions with meaningful names.

First we need a way to extract the right most digit from a number. So we just create a function extract that does this step.

let extract x = x % 2

Once we have such a function, we actually need a way to transform the digits returned by extract to a string.

let toString x =
    match x with
    | 0 -> "0"
    | 1 -> "1"
    | _ -> failwith "This should not happen"

Another function we need is the idea of right-shift a number. With a decimal number we turn the number 225 to 22, with binary we turn 225 into 112 ((225 - 1) / 2) *)

let rightShift x = (x - (extract x)) / 2

Are we done? Well, let’s try to create a binary convert at this point. We could come up with code like this:

let rec toBinary x =
    let rightEnd = toString (extract x)
    let rest     = toBinary (rightShift x)

So we calculate two values. First we extract the right most digit and convert it into a string. If we have 225 as input this would be the first step in our calculation and the string "1" is stored in rightEnd.

When we call rightShift x the result is 112. But what do we do with that? Well, this is the reason why it is a recursive function. We need to repeat the calculation until we end up with zero. That’s why we pass the result to toBinary immediately.

If you are not used to recursion it can probably be hard to understand what this will return. In recursion you just make the assumption the the recursive call just somehow works. So what is the result of toBinary (rightShift 112)? It is the string representation of the number 112.

So what do we have exactly? We have the first right most bit. It is stored inside rightEnd, and in rest the rest of the transformation is saved. In our example this means:

rightEnd = "1"
rest     = "1110000"

The “missing” part we currently have is, that we need to combine those two strings into a single string. So we need another function that can concatenate two strings:

let concat x y = String.concat "" [|x;y|]

Now we have two computations that we merge together, we write:

let rec toBinary =
        (toBinary (rightShift x))
        (toString (extract x))

But we are still not done. We need a way to abort the recursion. Currently the function would loop forever (Theoretically, practically it blows up with a stack overflow exception).

So we need to check if rightShift x reached zero. If it reached zero we just use an empty string for the string concatenation, otherwise we use the result of the recursive call for the string concatenation.

let rec toBinary =
        (if (rightShift x) = 0 then "" else toBinary (rightShift x))
        (toString (extract x))

All functions we created are only useful for the toBinary function, we also can embed all functions inside toBinary in this case. So our final solution looks like:

let rec toBinary x =
    // Helper functions
    let extract x    = x % 2
    let rightShift x = (x - (extract x)) / 2
    let toString     = function
        | 0 -> "0" | 1 -> "1"
        | _ -> failwith "This should not happen"
    let concat x y = String.concat "" [|x;y|]

    // Main algorithm
        (if (rightShift x) = 0 then "" else toBinary (rightShift x))
        (toString (extract x))

toBinary 0   // "0"
toBinary 178 // "10110010"
toBinary 225 // "11100001"

As a summary, what did we learn so far? I hoped to show, that working with a nesting style of functions is actually more easier to work with, and also a lot more natural in some cases. In the case of a binary converter we really have two computations or a tree of computations. Not trying to think with piping in mind actually makes a lot of stuff easier.

When we face a problem we just decompose a problem into solvable small functions. Once we decomposed a problem we need to compose the small parts back together. The problem is, sometimes that problem can be naturally represented as a sequence of operations, but most of the time it can’t. In our case we also don’t have a single sequence of computation. On every recursive step we really have two computations.

One computation determines the next character for our result. And another computation calculates the next number we need to recurs on. We end up with two computations, two strings that in the end need to put together into a single result. This algorithm is best visualized by a tree.

Shows the toBinary function as a Tree

And the classical way to represent trees with code is by nesting and indentions. Piping is not a good approach to represent tree structures. If you want to try to solve everything by some kind of piping even before you determined if the problem is even solvable in a sequential manner, you will only run into problems and will have a hard time to solve these kind of problems.


What we have seen so far is function application. Function application means to apply a value to a function, or in other words. Execute a function to get the result of a function. Function composition on the other hand is completely different. It means, combine two or more functions together to create a new function. Even if it seems like two different tasks in theory, in practice the difference isn’t too big.

Let’s go back to our blub function. We started with:

let blub x = square (add10 (sqrt x))

This code is written with nesting. But as you can see, the real goal was not to execute the chain of functions we have. The goal was to create a new function. In such a case, we also can use function composition instead.

let blub = square << add10 << sqrt

In this example you can see that the most natural way to write nesting as function composition is to use <<. With nesting we read the code from right to left. On the right is the input of a function, on its left the output. The << operator preserves this structure. The input of square is the result of add10. The input of add10 is the result of sqrt. And the input of sqrt becomes the input of the blub function.

The advantage of function composition is that we can omit parenthesis and variables even further. We also don’t need explicit function arguments. If we use >> instead of << we just can reverse the whole chain this time.

let blub = sqrt >> add10 >> square

This is also an even further example why <| is bad. It is only natural to think that << and >> are somewhat the same only in reverse order, and sure they are. But this is not the case for the combination <| and |>. The piping operators are really two completely distinct operators that work differently.

While function composition is a little bit shorter compared to piping, the difference isn’t that much. Because of some problems in F# with the type-inference it also can be that this approach sometimes creates a Value restriction error. If you encounter such an error, the best fix to those kind of error is just to create a function with explicit arguments instead of function composition. As the difference is anyway not too big, you also always can use nesting or piping instead of function composition.

One place where function composition is a better choice is if you want to pass a function as an argument to another function. Let’s look at our blub function again. We first can create the blub function and then use it in

let blub = square << add10 << sqrt blub [1.0 .. 100.0]

But if you need blub only in a single place, it is a little bit annoying to explicitly create and name a function. It is just better to inline the whole function. Without function composition we need to write something like this:

1 (fun x -> square (add10 (sqrt x))) [1.0 .. 100.0]

With function composition on the other hand we can shorten this example to:

1 (square << add10 << sqrt) [1.0 .. 100.0]

Best Practices

At the end I just want to gather some best practices. Those are best practices from me and like always, every person usually disagree with another 10%.

  1. Never use <|. People think of it as the reverse of |> but it isn’t.
  2. If you disagree with 1. then at least never mix |> and <| in a single statement.
  3. Never mix << and >> in a single-statement. f >> g >> h >> i or f << g << h << i is easy to understand. f << g >> h << i isn’t.
  4. Don’t favour piping over nesting. Piping is only good for strict sequential code. Favour piping over nesting means you limit the way you think.
  5. If you create new functions. Don’t think of piping too much. It is good if you can pipe functions, but it is not bad if you cannot do that. Not every function works good with piping.
  6. Try to solve your problem first. Because nesting is good for any kind of tree structure and thus more powerful. Try to use nesting by default.
  7. After you solved a problem and realized that the code can be represented by a sequence with piping. Refactor the code with piping.
  8. If possible, use function composition if you pass functions as arguments instead of lambda functions.


Overall we covered function application and composition. We saw function application with nesting or piping with operators like |> or <|. We also can use function composition with << or >> in certain situation.

I hope in this article you learned how all of those operators work, and more important, when you should use which kind of style. Nesting, piping and function composition are three ways to either execute or compose functions. But not any of those are good in any situation.

Especially piping is overused in F# in my opinion. Not every problem can be expressed naturally in a sequential way of piping. So don’t view any problem as a nail that you solve with a hammer.